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Chapter 17: Sarkon versus Claude

The private lounge rang with chimes of laughter. In between her chuckles, Betty battered her long lashes in an embarrassed smile. "It's just a rumor." "Or perhaps the doings of a protective brother?" A loving smile appeared on the delicate face. "Yes. My brother loves me. It gets a bit overwhelming at times." Then, her gaze lowered onto her bare knees. "I assure you, there's no one." It was almost inaudible, but Sarkon could hear every word clearly. He took a quick glance at Sanders in the shadows, next to Betty's bodyguard, and the elite pushed his specs up his nose bridge. Everything was going according to plan. "There you are," a rich, gentle voice boomed from the hidden corner of the private lounge. The door closed, and a familiar silhouette stepped into the light. Betty turned around and raised her brows. "Claude! What are you doing here?" A Greek god in an expensive golf attire moved with the grace and confidence of a panther towards the couple. The black-haired beauty pursed her lips in disapproval. "Claude, I told you I'm on a date." "And I'm curious. Who is my baby sister's date?" "I'm not a baby, Claude. We've been through this many times." Betty sighed in exasperation. Claude plopped himself comfortably into the armchair next to his sister. "And I've told you many times that you'll always be my baby sister." He finally met the giant's gaze and furrowed his brows. "Even after you're married." A tiny smile appeared on Sarkon's lips. "If I didn't know better, I would think it's a warning." "But you do know better." Claude sank into the chair and crossed his legs. "Of course." Sarkon picked up his glass and swirled the red wine in it. He took a sip and gazed at the wavy brown-haired man before him. Something seemed unhinged between those sunshine brows. With a chuckle, Sarkon added carefully, "Sorry you had to miss golf." "Apology is usually served better with an offer, don't you think?" A glint of madness skimmed across those clear eyes. Betty placed a hand on her brother's lap. "Claude." Not taking his eyes away, Sarkon smiled, "Of course, old man. Drinks on me then." "Your old man trained you well, pup." Lowering himself in his seat, he grinned. "You know my poison." Sarkon glanced at Sanders and nodded. Once the elite man left to fetch the surprised guest his drink, the black knight returned his view to his prized target. "So Claude, your sister and I were just chatting about you." "Oh?" The charming man turned to his sister. "I would love to hear what it was about." Then, he looked ahead again. "But first, my sister needs to use the ladies' room." Betty leaned toward her brother and whispered in annoyance, "I don't need to, Claude." Claude grinned at the young giant. "Yes, you do." Betty rolled her eyes and stood, not hiding the weariness in her expression. "Excuse me then." She walked past Sanders, who had a glass of golden-brown liquid in his hand, and stepped out of the half-opened door. Sanders moved back to close the door. "If I didn't know better, dear boy. I'd say you're kidnapping my sister." Sanders came next to the business tycoon and put the glass of tequila on the table. Sarkon chuckled hard. "I wouldn't bring along her bodyguard if I were." The beefy man in suit shifted slightly in the shadows. Claude raised a hand to tell that man to stay put. Sitting forward in his seat, he continued grinning, this time like a hyena. "I know what you're after." Sarkon swirled his glass patiently. "Of course, you do. I made it very clear." "You know the price to pay then." The Greek god leaned back into his seat. Sarkon placed his glass on the table and repeated Claude's actions. "This is my final offer." He raised a hand. Sanders appeared next to Claude and opened a file in his face. After a quick glance, Claude smiled. His lips then fell into a grim line. "You son of a b*tch. You knew I was eyeing that piece of land. I bet you didn't even pay for it." He made a low growl. Sarkon was expressionless, revealing nothing. What could he say? His old man had trained him well. When dealing with a historic scavenger, one had to be a more ruthless, conniving piece of sh*t. Claude raked his wavy hair and scoffed. "I guess your old man died before he could train you." The giant remained unmoved. Claude raised two fingers. Sarkon shook his head. For all the trouble, it had to be six billion or nothing The godlike man jumped from his seat and stepped forward with a killer's gaze. "You f*cking son of a b*tch! That piece of land is worth trash, and you're asking for six billion! What do you take me for?" The giant stood and faced the enemy head-on. "If it's trash, why do you want it so badly?" Claude gripped his hands into fists. Sanders moved like lightning. The bodyguard was pinned to the wall. A sharp blade was at his throat a hair's breadth from the throbbing artery. It was a checkmate for the rising star of the business world, and Claude knew it. But he was no simpleton either. With a cautious smile on his thin lips, the CEO of Loller Group relaxed his hands and shoved them into his pockets. "If you want my sister, you should know what to do." Sarkon chuckled. "So it's the land over the baby sister." "Why you!" Claude lunged forward. But the giant was swifter. A muscular arm shot out like a frog's tongue and grabbed the wrist of the attacking hand, then his face came to an inch in front of the attacker. A lion's snarl broke from those shapely lips. "You should be aware of my roots, Claude, since you knew my old man very well." Before Claude could respond, the grasp on his wrist relaxed. The beast backed away slowly and came to a vertical stand. Almost as tall as his nemesis, Claude straightened and barreled his chest in defiance "Ten percent of Loller's shares, and I give you the land." Sarkon took his seat again. Laughter chimed from across him. "The shares stay with the family, pup." Claude stood again, this time he was ready to leave the private room for good. "Don't sweat on it." He'd find other land for his casino town project. When there's a will, there's always a way. Sarkon chuckled softly. "Of course, Claude. No harm done." The door opened, and Betty strutted in with her hips swaying in that tight black dress. "Are you leaving, Claude?" There was an unmistakable cheer in her voice. Claude grabbed his sister's wrist. "We are leaving." Betty's face fell into pure confusion. "What? No! I'm not done yet. Claude, let go of me." "You better go with your brother, Ms. Loller. Something urgent came up, so let's do dinner some other time. Family comes first." Sarkon smiled. Claude widened his eyes at the beaming giant, finally realizing the predator's ultimate target. He's after the Loller's shares, that son of a b*tch. His sister would be the next key to open the door. ***** Maria stared at the vast horizon of the green hills. "Are you done?" An annoyed voice sounded beside her. She turned to the face of a kind gentleman and nodded silently. The white knight in shining armor brushed the imaginary dust off his sleeves then clapped his hands to slapped off the invisible sand. "Hooray," a boring mutter escaped his lips as he stood. Maria sniffed. "Are you leaving?" Paris stalked toward his car without looking back. Maria turned away from the dandy back and gazed at the light blue sky, now tinted with hues of orange and pink. The sun was setting soon. She wouldn't be able to see the blueness until tomorrow. The car engine came alive with a smooth roar. "Hey! Maria Davis!" Maria turned to the shouting and Paris's highly annoyed face was glaring at her. "Are you getting in or walking?" The red-haired woman didn't budge. "Walking, it is. See you back on campus. Remember what I said. Think twice before you reject my offer." With that, the sports car sped off into the distance toward the college gates. Paris switched between the road ahead and the forlorn back sitting on the bench in the rearview mirror and sighed. What a pity. Such a beautiful woman, yet weird as hell. He had dragged the wailing woman into his car and drove them to a secluded, picturesque space outside the college grounds so they wouldn't be seen as she cried her eyeballs out. If it weren't for her sensational, albeit exaggerated, response to his grand speech, he would've left her at the fields. Since it was his speech that had made her cry, he felt responsible. Can't be helped. He drove silently ahead. His pride grew like a balloon in his chest. His speeches had always been moving. Back in the rearview mirror, his face had completely replaced the tiny sad figure. He flashed his white teeth in satisfaction. Maria Davis will show up tomorrow, and she will agree to join the student council. Maria stretched her arm toward the purplish-pink sky. Her fingers curled at the streams of clouds sailing past as if she was stroking the contours of Sarkon's face.

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