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Chapter Four

After his first visit to the 'library' with Mina as his guide, John made Mina's store a regular rendesvous point. They would sit and chat about a wide range of subjects, she being naturally very curious, but despite her readiness for conversation, John noticed that she always evaded the topic of Nico and his villa. Any time he posed a question about it, she would give vague and monosyllabic replies. One warm afternoon, while they were at the store, he decided to ask her about her reluctance to discuss Nico. "Why do you always avoid the subject of Nico?" "Because it is a bad subject," she answered dryly. "How's that?" "I told you, John... Nico is not a good person. Forget about him." "I don't think I can. I'd like to know more about my neighbors." "So ask other neighbors. I live very far away. Thank God for that." "Are you implying that I'm in danger living so close to Nico?" "I imply nothing, John. Let me get you another drink." With that, she stood up and was off before he could say another word. When she returned a moment later, it was with a cold bottle of German beer which she promptly handed to him. He held it in his hands and stared down at the floor. He was about to apologize when she beat him to it. "I'm sorry, John, for snapping like that, but nothing good comes from talking about that man Nico. It's not safe you know... talking about Nico. There are ears everywhere. I don't mean you... I trust you, but anybody could be listening." John nodded gravely and looked up at her with a pleading expression. "I'm sorry for being so insensitive. My curiosity got the better of me. I do hope I've not put either or both of us in any danger." "Oh don't worry," she shrugged. "Let us think of something nice, okay? Let me read to you. I got this book from the library yesterday." John simply mirrored her smile, sat back and listened to her. As she read to him with so much enthusiasm and concentration, he couldn't help but look at her with a little more affection in his eyes than necessary. He watched as her lips moved, the movement of her beautiful hands as she gesticulated with them or tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and every other little gesture from her head to her toe. He may have been a little late to the realization, but now, he knew he was falling fast and deep. Funny enough, he wasn't interested in holding on to anything as he fell. ***** ***** Nico stepped in to find John and two of his crew watching TV in different manners. John was focused on the current world news being shown on the screen, but the other guys who were on the opposite sofa were whispering and chuckling like conspirators. Sighting Nico, they quickly became quiet and stock still, but looking at their faces, it wasn't difficult to see that they were struggling with themselves on the right expression they would display for the satisfaction of their boss. They finally settled for ultra-serious and deathly quiet while Nico watched them with a disgusting look on his face. He waved them off and they were only too happy to scramble away. Their sudden movement seemed to jar John's attention from the TV, but in truth, he had been keenly following all that had been going on before and after Nico walked in. In fact, he knew before the guys exactly when Nico stepped in. He slowly turned his attention to Nico and followed him with his eyes as the master criminal took a seat on the sofa which the guys had just left. Nico signed for him to kill the TV volume and he promptly obeyed without taking his eyes off him. Putting both hands beside him on the sofa, he looked straight at Nico, expecting that cunning smile to appear on his face. He didn't have long to wait. "Mr. Baldwin," Nico began, wearing his cunning smile and cocking his head to one side, "I have respect for my close associates and top executives because unlike these goats, they have functional brains and you don't need me to tell you that Henry was a very important man here, or do I?" "Not really," John mumbled, already wondering where the conversation was headed. "So," Nico continued, "since you're replacing Henry, you would have to go through the basics that Henry went through. From there, we can start grading you according to your rate of success or isn't that how you put it?" "Quite," John replied with a slight nod. "But what exactly are these basics like?" "Oh don't worry. You'll find out soon enough." "I guess I will, but I'd just like to know exactly what I'm getting into. If I don't, there's no way I can give my best." "You misunderstand me, Mr. Baldwin. You are not getting into anything. You're already in it. And like I said, you'll find out what exactly very soon enough. End of discussion. I sincerely hope you haven't forgotten the first rule." With that, Nico sprang up from the sofa and made his way through a curtain somewhere. Like a spirit, he vanished away. Watching him leave, John made a mental note to explore the parlour and search for that secret passage through which he always disappeared, but right now, there was something nagging at his mind. He just couldn't forget Nico's words: "You're not getting into anything. You are already in it." Those words sounded threatening to him. He saw them as Nico's way of telling him that he had him completely in his power and right now, there was nothing he could do about it. He recognized the enormous advantage Nico had over him and he felt it wasn't right, at least for him. He was not one to work like this. A little bit of independence would do and he would find a way to get some. He had to. Turning off the TV, he walked out of the room. Before he had stepped out of the doorway, he had already made his decision. His resolution was to find a home for himself as fast and soon as possible. That would help to relax Nico's absolute control over him. ***** The next day, John got up early and headed out of the villa as quickly as possible. His destination, Mina's shop. He was half-worried that she would not yet be open for business, but as he approached the shop after alighting from the taxi, he could hear sounds. As he drew nearer, he recognized the sounds as Mina singing in her beautiful voice. He stopped just a few feet from the shop's entrance to listen to her while she sang and bustled about. Her voice sounded so sweet and heavenly and he couldn't help but remain rooted to the spot, trying his best to follow the lyrics. And he would have remained there for a long time if she hadn't turned around to discover him. "Hello John," she beamed, with her hands on her waist. "Where did you come from?" "Well... I just came to talk to you about something. I thought you wouldn't be open by now..." "Oh I always open the shop very early. How are you? What did you want to talk about?" "I've been fine, Mina. I know I've been a little..." "Wait," she interrupted, "come sit and have a beer. This is the best time to talk. Very soon, people will become many and I will become busy." John went in and took a seat and she sat opposite him. He looked briefly around at the various things she sold which included drinks, ice cream, coffee and various sweets. She handed him a beer and they made a toast. After a few sips, she cleared her throat, drawing his attention to herself. "What did you want to discuss, John?" "Um, I just wanted to make an enquiry." He glanced at her and found her staring at him with a curious expression on her face. "I mean... I just wanted to find out about something." "Come on," she laughed, "I know what enquiry means. What I don't know is what you want to enquire about." "Sorry. I never meant to sound so stupid." "Oh it's okay, John. So will you tell me what you want to know?" "I'd like to know how I can get a house." "Oh," she ejaculated, quite surprised. "I thought you lived with your friend?" "Yeah, but I'm thinking I'd like to strike out on my own." "Is there any problem between you both?" "No, not at all. Everything's all good. I just could use a little more privacy, that's all." "Okay," she sighed, clearly relieved. "I will talk to someone and let you know, okay?" "Thanks Mina. I appreciate it. I think I should get going before your early customers start flooding in." "Oh don't worry. Just finish your beer." "But I really do have to get back immediately. I mean, that's the reason I came so early." "Okay. If you must," she shrugged. He thanked her again and gave her a little peck which made the colour rise to her face, but she quickly composed herself and waved him goodbye as he went on his way. As she watched him hurry away, it finally dawned on her that she liked him and that this 'like' was on the increase, daily. On the few days when he had not come to see her, she had missed him terribly and thought much about him. She had never found someone who could listen attentively, relate so much with her in conversation and ideas and she wished to continue their friendship for as long as possible. But what she didn't know was that he thought much about her too. Thinking about her was one thing John could spend hours at a time doing and still not look on the time spent as wasted. To him, she was a bright speck of light and hope in the gloom of his current surroundings. John hadn't noticed a free taxi yet, so he hurried along on foot, hoping to get back before Nico's return from his morning run. As he walked, his mind was full of thoughts. Thoughts about leaving Nico's villa permanently and moving to a place of his own where his independence would be total or rather, almost total. Suddenly, he heard a loud screeching sound like that of a car, so he instinctively stepped away from the road, but the car rolled to a stop beside him. It was a large, blue van with no plates. Before he could figure out its make, the driver's window was rolled down and he found himself staring at Nico. "Get in," he ordered. It was a tone that brooked no discussion. Just then, John heard the sound of a door being pulled open and he looked to find that the back of the van had been opened for him. Careful and wary, he walked to the back of the vehicle and peered in. It was dark, but still, he could see a lot of those ruffians that constituted Nico's crew. They sat with their backs to the walls of the van. "I don't have all year Mr. Baldwin," Nico roared from the front. John had no choice. He climbed in and watched as one of the men closed the door behind him. Hardly had he done so when the car shot forward. John had to hold on to something to avoid falling. One of the men showed him to a seat that was close to the partition between the front and the back of the van. John made his way over and sat down. He was now just a few inches from the driver's side, so he decided to use the opportunity to find out more about this curious journey. "What's going on? Where are we headed?" "You ask too many questions, Mr. Baldwin," Nico sighed and shook his head. "Are you that scared?" "I just like to..." "Yes, know what you are getting into. Curiosity, they say, kills the cat. Perhaps you should watch your curiosity levels. Orders are orders, Mr. Baldwin, and I wouldn't be very happy to remind you again." John could read the handwriting on the wall. The signal was clear enough. He promptly fell silent, but a lot of questions flooded his mind. Where were they going? What were they going to do? Would there be casualties? He was not prepared for whatever it was that was coming and lack of adequate preparation always made him anxious, but this time, he had no choice. He would have to be patient and wait till they arrive at their destination.

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