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As the last customer left and they flipped the sign to 'Closed', Laura found herself reflecting on the whirlwind of her time at Fierro's so far. It was chaotic, unpredictable, and at times utterly baffling. But it was also exciting, engaging, and unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She and Tina chatted as they finished up their closing duties, swapping stories and jokes like old friends. Laura was surprised to realize how quickly she'd bonded with her coworker, and how much she was enjoying this odd little corner of the world she'd stumbled into. As they waited for the delivery truck to arrive, they sat at the counter, nursing cups of coffee and continuing their conversation. "So," Tina said, a mischievous glint in her eye, "what's your story, Laura Jay? What brought you to our little slice of culinary chaos?" Laura hesitated, her mission flickering through her mind. But looking at Tina's open, friendly face, she found herself wanting to share – at least a version of the

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