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He pulled back to look at her, his eyes searching hers for answers she didn't have. Laura felt exposed, vulnerable. But she also felt a strange sense of power in her nakedness, as if she had reclaimed a piece of herself she had lost along the way. They kissed again, slower this time, as if to seal the pact they had just made without speaking. Laura's hands roamed over his chest, tracing the contours of his muscles and the warmth of his skin. Dr. Carter's fingers danced down her body, exploring every curve and line with a gentle reverence that made her shiver. His touch was like a balm, soothing the wounds she had inflicted on herself with her own doubt and fear. Her own hands grew bolder, caressing his broad shoulders, sliding down his back to grip his firm ass. He groaned into her mouth, the sound sending a thrill through her. Their kisses grew deeper, their breaths mingling in a dance as old as time. Laura felt her body respond to his, arching into his touch, urging him closer. H

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