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"This is actually pretty interesting," Laura murmured to Mark as they examined a display of Native American arrowheads. Mark nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it is. Who knew Millerville had such a rich history?" As they left the museum, Mrs. Henderson led them up a winding path to a scenic overlook. The view was breathtaking, the town spread out below them, surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests. "Oh, wow," Laura breathed, taking in the sight. Mark stood beside her, their shoulders touching. "It's beautiful," he agreed softly. For a moment, they stood in comfortable silence, the tension of the past few days seeming to melt away in the face of such natural beauty. Mrs. Henderson, sensing the shift in mood, tactfully excused herself to "rest these old bones," leaving Laura and Mark alone at the overlook. "You know," Mark said after a while, "I'm kind of glad our car broke down here. I mean, we would have missed all of this." Laura turned to look at him, a

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