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"There you go, dears. Now, you two don't look like you're from around here. Just passing through?" Laura nodded. "We were on our way to Orlando, but our car broke down. Hank at the auto shop is fixing it now." Betsy's eyes lit up. "Oh, you poor things! Well, you know what they say – everything happens for a reason. Maybe the car gods wanted you to experience our little slice of heaven here." Mark couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm not sure about that, but this pie is definitely heavenly." Betsy beamed. "Why, thank you! You know, this town may be small, but we've got our fair share of excitement. Did you know we're famous for our haunted spots?" Laura perked up, her interest piqued. "Haunted spots?" "Oh yes," Betsy leaned in conspiratorially. "There's the old Willow Creek Bridge, where they say you can hear the wails of a jilted bride who threw herself into the water. And don't even get me started on the abandoned Holloway House on the hill. Folks say they've seen all sorts of strang

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