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Chapter 3

Nicks POV I woke up on the floor, the bite on my shoulder nearly healed already thank the goddess for being a werewolf, if I'd been a human I wouldn't start to heal for days if I was lucky enough to have survived. I took in my surroundings as I stood up, Jason was gone the window at the end of the corridor smashed, so I'm guessing he jumped. I looked out and realised he must have landed on the rose bushes underneath, that would have given him a softer landing with less injuries if any at all. "The Luna's going to be pissed when she sees them" my wolf Haze chuckled in my head, I nodded in silent agreement. I tried to mind link Marie and her wolf Violet but nothing, it was like I was hit by a wall. I heard movement outside and went to see what it was, a pack warrior was growling as he healed from what seemed to be a broken back leg. He would need to stay this way until fully healed otherwise there would be a chance it wouldn't fix properly once in human form. I could see the pack doctor on the lawn out front tending to a wolf that had a leg torn completely off, the sight making me squeamish. "That's got to have hurt" Haze winced at the sight of one of our own sending a chill down my own leg. "Haze this had to be Jason's doing as a rogue wouldn't have the strength needed to do that to a pack warrior" he nodded in agreement. I tried to contact Alpha William but instead of getting a reply I got heavy breathing and a feeling of sorrow that seeped through me though I couldn't process why. "Where are you" I asked through the mind link. After a few minutes silence he responded with two words "safe room" His voice held pain and anger which made fear run through me. The safe room is where I had left Marie to protect Luna Vanessa and her daughter. I should have stayed with them after all as gamma that was my role, play bodyguard to the Luna and Princess, protecting them at all costs. Giving my life if need be whilst I always hoped that would never have to happen. I ran as fast as I could tapping into my wolf to gain extra speed, as I arrived the sight before me dropped me too my knees. There sitting on the floor was Alpha William holding Luna Vanessa in his lap her yellow sundress she had worn at the festival now soaked with blood the colour a deep shade of scarlet. "Dammit Haze I knew I should have stayed with them, at least then the Luna could have escaped" "But then you would be dead, anyway you couldn't stay the Luna gave you an order. You know as well as I do, we cannot disobey her" Haze was right we couldn't disobey the order of the Luna just like we couldn't the Alpha. I looked around and noticed that both Marie and Angel were gone. I helped Alpha William stand as the pain of losing a mate is enough to kill some wolves but being the royal alpha, it would take more than this. "I have her, I have Angel we escaped but the Luna sh... she was stabbed. I…it was Jason he's working with the rogues. Jason was following us, but I think I lost him in the forest!" Marie's voice flooded through my mind. Her voice was trembling I could tell she was crying, her fear flowing through the mate bond letting me know how she felt. "Marie thank god!" I shouted back through the mind link, "I couldn't get hold of you are you and Angel, ok?" I asked her as calm as I could trying to ease some of her fear. "We are in one piece if that counts" she responded. I told her about the Luna and how she died shortly after Alpha William had found her and I could feel how upset she was, the Luna and Marie had been good friends growing up. Marie's mum becoming a second mother when her own was no longer able to stay by her side. "Stay hidden I will find you" I told her. Alpha Kings POV After my beautiful Vanessa died in my arms my wolf Maximus took control allowing me to sink into the back of the darkest depths of the mind that we share, I just couldn't think straight at the moment. Maximus was gunning for blood. Jason's blood. Nick had filled me in on what Marie had told him how it was Jason that had taken my mate away from me, but I didn't know why. He had been my best friend since we were children, we had trained and fought together. I had wanted to interrogate Jason at the beginning but now, fuck that I want him dead. I want him to die painfully and slowly. Just like some of my warriors had just like my Vanessa. Pack warriors searched everywhere for Jason, but he wasn't found, my wolf was pacing in my head completely angered with the day's events. How the hell had a family fun packed day turned upside down so quickly. We had captured two of the rogues and had beat them continuously with silver whips, letting them heal and then beat them again until they told us their plans. They had told us they had planned on eliminating me and my family in the hopes that my former beta would become king and themselves ranked pack members. We had kept them in the dungeon chained to the wall with silver cuffs. The silver would cause them irritation to the skin on their wrists and stop them having contact with their wolves leaving them weakened. One of the rogues didn't look any older than seventeen, but I couldn't think about that, he knew what he was doing when he attacked us. After a week we was finally finished with them, so I wasted no time in ending their horrid lives. Angel was still with Marie, we agreed it wasn't safe for her to return just yet even though I missed her with all my heart and being separated pained me. Together Nick and I formed our own plan. It would be risky but if we pulled it off the pack and my daughter would be safe. A few days later…… "Alpha we spotted the former beta at the edge of the lake on the southern side of the territory" one of the guards shouted through the mind link catching me off guard as I spilled my hot coffee onto my lap. "Do not approach him" I ordered. "I want to kill him myself" I would make him pay for everything it wouldn't be a slow death either. I promised myself that I would make it as painful and long a process as I could. He had committed treason to his alpha and murdered his Luna. Not just any old alpha but the king, I would make him regret ever being born.

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