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30 We meet again

Flora eyed the man whom she believed to be called Mr. Davy discreetly as he made his way towards her, his gaze flickering with faint recognition. She masked her surprise with a warm smile, welcoming him as he approached. She remembered him being with Axel at the hotel on the two different occasions they met. "Good afternoon. What a pleasant surprise to see you here," Flora greeted him cordially, trying to keep her tone casual despite the undercurrent of unease swirling within her. Mr. Davy reciprocated the greeting, his expression slightly puzzled as he attempted to place where he had seen Flora before. "Likewise, it's a small world indeed. Forgive me if I can't recall where we've crossed paths." Flora chuckled lightly, maintaining her poise. "Oh, no need for apologies. We might have run into each other somewhere around town. The city is quite bustling, isn't it?" Mr. Davy nodded, though the nagging feeling persisted. "Absolutely, it's hard to keep track sometimes." His curiosity got the better of him. "You seem familiar. Have you worked in the fashion industry before?" Flora raised an eyebrow, veiling her surprise skillfully. "Guilty as charged. I've dabbled here and there, nothing too notable." Mr. Davy studied her, his curiosity growing by the second. "Interesting. I oversee a few projects in the fashion sector. Your face does ring a bell. Perhaps a designer's showcase?" Flora chuckled inwardly, carefully crafting her response. "Possibly. The fashion world is quite a maze, isn't it? So many faces, so many shows." The conversation danced around their true intentions, both holding back crucial pieces of information. Flora's heart raced; she couldn't let Davy realize her connection to Axel. Meanwhile, Davy, known for his astuteness, couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. Both knew that beneath the pleasantries lay a hidden truth waiting to be unraveled. Mr. Davy approached Flora with a courteous smile, though there was an air of formality about him that left her a touch uneasy. "Greetings, Ms. Flora. I’m the president’s secretary. My name’s Mr. Davy." Flora returned his smile, though her mind was racing. Nice to meet you, Mr. Davy." Davy dived into the purpose of his visit without much preamble, his words carrying an air of authority. "Your profile was somewhat incomplete, so I thought it best to personally welcome you to the company. You'll receive an access card shortly, and the Human Resources department will prepare your name tag. Also, the president has expressed interest in meeting you." Flora nodded along, maintaining her calm exterior while feeling a wave of apprehension. Meeting Axel directly wasn’t part of her plan for the day. "Of course, I'd be happy to meet the president," she replied, though inwardly her thoughts raced. She wondered why Axel was interested in seeing her so soon. As they walked, Flora maintained her composed facade, while Davy analyzed her with a trained eye. He knew dealing with someone of her status might be challenging, especially considering the circumstances of the acquisition. "Ms. Flora, if I may, your expertise in jewelry design is well-known. However, your arrival at the Eisen Group was somewhat... unexpected. It's no secret your former employer faced difficulties." Flora didn’t betray her emotions, keeping her composure intact despite the subtle tension that had begun to simmer. "Yes, it was a change of pace. I believe it’s for the best." Davy offered a reassuring smile, though his intuition told him there was more beneath Flora's polished exterior. He suspected she might be grappling with uncertainties regarding the acquisition, even if she didn't show it. "Indeed, the president is eager to understand your vision and how it aligns with the company's direction," Davy continued, attempting to gauge Flora's reaction to Axel’s interest in her work. Flora simply nodded, careful not to reveal too much. She already knew that Axel’s intentions will be more complex than a mere welcome meeting considering how he had been searching for her. As they approached the office door, Flora braced herself for a meeting that promised to reveal far more than just formal introductions. “Ms. Jules, Mr. Elvis is ready to see you,” Davy announced, trying to maintain a professional demeanor. She entered Axel's office alongside Davis, her nerves simmering beneath the composed surface. Despite her outward poise, a swirl of uncertainty and anticipation churned within her. Flora flashed a seemingly nonchalant smile, though her nerves coiled like tightly wound springs beneath the surface. Axel’s frown didn’t escape her notice. ‘He recognizes me. How much does he remember?’ she wondered, trying to mask her unease. Once Davy had left the room, leaving them alone, Axel’s eyes locked onto Flora’s with an intensity that made her swallow hard. “We meet again,” she ventured, hoping to diffuse the tension. Axel’s expression didn’t ease. “I have questions,” he remarked sharply, his eyes scrutinizing her every word. ‘What’s she hiding?’ he wondered, his suspicion simmering beneath his composed exterior. Axel’s gaze hardened, his brow furrowing with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. “You turned down the offer initially, even after the acquisition. Why? And why make everyone believe you weren’t in Billy City?” Flora met his gaze evenly, a semblance of composure masking her inner turmoil. “I know you were looking for me. That alone made me feel unsafe. You can’t just follow someone without being a criminal,” she retorted, trying to keep her tone even despite the discomfort gnawing at her. Axel leaned forward, his voice lowering, laden with a mixture of intrigue and reproach. “You’ve been very evasive. There’s more to this story, Flora. Why all the secrecy?” Flora took a deep breath, her fingers tapping nervously against her thigh. “I have a life I need to keep private. My personal reasons are not something I can disclose freely,” she explained, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. Axel’s piercing gaze didn’t waver. “And what about that evening at the eatery? When you asked me to pretend we were together?” Flora’s eyes flickered with a hint of regret. “I’m sorry for that. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, just trying to throw anyone off my trail. I didn’t expect you to get involved,” she admitted, a tinge of remorse softening her features. The air between them crackled with unsaid words and unresolved tension. Axel leaned back in his chair, his mind spinning with unanswered questions. ‘What’s she hiding?’ Flora’s confidence wavered, but she maintained her façade. “And what now? Are you considering terminating my contract?” Axel’s gaze didn’t waver. “You’re talented, that’s clear. But why sign a contract you didn’t want?” Flora chuckled, a forced lightness in her tone. “I signed it for reasons I can’t just discard. Breaking it means paying a hefty fee. I have responsibilities.” The air in the room crackled with unresolved tension. Axel remained stoic, still trying to read between the lines of Flora’s carefully crafted responses. “I expect you to uphold your end of the contract,” Axel finally stated, his words laced with a hint of skepticism. Flora nodded, rising to leave with apprehension washing over her. “Of course I’ll uphold my end of the contract, Mr. Axel. That’s why I’m here,” she stated, her voice edged with resolve.

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