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Chapter 6 escaping

After dinner Jill and I waited for the wolves to finish their baths so we could have ours. "Do you think of ever leaving this place?" I ask as we sweep the kitchen. " Why would I want to leave,I have everything I need here ,out there I have nothing". " Me too but we can be each other",I don't know why I said that, that's what Tyrone used to tell me always. "It's useless the Alpha will find us anyway and there will be horrible consequences,they might even feed you to the rogues in the dungeons". Rogues?like the ones my dad spoke of in the stories? I wonder how he's doing right now, where they are holding him. I don't want to care but I just can't help it. "Dungeons? there are dungeons here that have rogues in them?". " Yes the servants used to take me there to scare me into obedience, they'd lock me up for days next to a cell of a rogue that wanted nothing but to break through to get to me and eat me",she says, she says it as if it is a normal thing and just continued on with her work. I'm leaving this place no matter what,the guards change shifts at lunch time for the other wolves that leave here,since that incident with Vincent I've been avoiding them well. It takes five minutes for the other guards to come ,I can run in the direction most cars come in from but stick to the woods just within radius of the road. I spend the rest of my time working formulating a plan to escape and the showers are now empty. It's time for the humans to bathe. I've been looking forward to taking a long soak in the bathtub. So when we finish we immediately head to the bathrooms and find other humans there and unfortunately there is only one free bath remaining so Jill and I chose to share,but before even getting out of my uniform someone roughly grabs my arm. "Stay away from the Alpha!"A voice I've come to know all too well says. "What's your problem Jasmine?"Jill says. Jasmine is a human the Alpha has sex with from time to time,she was elevated as senior slave ,she gets an allowance expensive clothes,has her own room and even gets to leave the pack house. I look at her blonde hair and blue eyes. She really is attractive.I get why the Alpha calls her to his room,but I hate it.I hate her. I want to smash her face into the bathtub and rip out her shiny blonde hair. "I have no time for your nonsense Jasmine '',I say and continue taking my clothes off. " Vincent said the reason why the Alpha punished head servant Astrid was because of you, I'm warning don't even think about getting close to him". " B*tch nobody wants to be the Alpha's whore,I don't care besides should Ms Sarai or Ms Tatiana hear you they'll rip your mouth right off,why are you scared you won't be the only human sucking his d*ck ?",I say and roll my eyes hearing Ms Sarai and Ms Tatiana's names shut her up completely. They are the wolves that live on the same floor as the Alpha; they are his mistresses and are really jealous. The Alpha warned them not to take it far with Jasmine but that doesn't mean they don't make her life a living hell. If Jasmine thinks the Alpha's reason for firing Ms ,I mean head servant Astrid was because of me the two mistresses must be thinking the same. I'll have to get the hell out of here quickly. But the fact that he has three women is like a thorn in my side , I'm so upset I don't know why ,I should be his only woman,just the thought of him making love to those women makes me want to scratch their eyes out. I get into the tub sitting opposite Jill and just soak my aching muscles, because of the other mistress's jealous fit. Already 5 humans have died but Jill said the others went to work at the beach side house where the Alpha's mistresses are . But before I could enjoy the nice hot bath one of the head servants walks in making everyone quiet down. "Blake follow me",head servant Carol who works right under the Alpha's mistresses says and grabs me by the elbow, she doesn't even let me get dressed and just hand some a towel telling me to follow after her, it's a little cold here at night so I can't help but shiver . We take the elevator that slaves are not allowed to use and I find myself on the Alpha's floor which is the third floor. I'm scared and excited at the same time. She knocks, opens the door and pushes me right in. Syrus' is standing shirtless by the large window that overlooks the estate. "You called for me Syrus,I mean Alpha", I say. He just laughs and turns to me " say it again",he says walking towards me "say my name Eden", and before I could blink he had already covered the distance between us. He moved the hairs that had escaped from my messy bun, his feather touch making my skin tingle,I was enveloped in his scent making my knees almost give out on me. He was really tall and 5'2 me had to arch my neck so I could look at him,he was just a breath away from me,I could make our lips touch if I wanted to. "Don't do that",he said after I licked my lips `` because I will be forced to", and he captures my lips,his tongue hungrily stroking against mine making me melt in his arms.the only thing that separated me from him was the towel covering me,he lifted me up , wrapping my legs around his waist. I've never experienced such an intoxicating sensation,I couldn't get enough. But before I could even enjoy myself he let go of me, dropping me to the ground "get out",he growled. "Wait what",I sat confused on the ground. "I said get the f**k out!",he growled again. I could feel it in the air and it made the hair on my skin rise. "F**k you!", I flipped him off and ran out of the room,can you believe that bastard,I cussed at him all the way while tears streamed down my face ,I don't know why but I was really upset about the way he treated me just now ,he sleeps with those others but rejects me. I don't pay attention to where I'm going and bump into the muscle of wall . "Having a not so great night", Vincent says. "F**k you asshole!"I say quickly getting up and continuing running. I ignore Jill who keeps asking me what happened back at the dormitories and just covers myself with my blanket and cries myself to sleep. Tomorrow I'm escaping from here , Syrus and everybody else can go to hell. The alarm in the dorms wakes me up,Jill continues asking what happened but I just tell her that it's nothing,we have to clean the mistresses room because they were coming back today and this is a good opportunity for me to run because the servants will be busy trying to brown nose them,I change into my uniform and we head to the kitchen, Jasmine looks like she never slept all night and I can guess why. Again we are forced to help with serving breakfast and today the Alpha is surprisingly dining with everyone,he must be happy that his mistresses are returning I begrudgingly think. And since I've always had bad luck I'm serving the Alpha's table and my job as always is to refill everyone's cups of coffee,juice and wine. I make myself invisible as possible but I just have bad luck that follows me around like a dark cloud. I have to refill Vincent's cup and again he raises his hand squeezing my ass but since I learnt the hard way I just continue pouring him his coffee,it takes all the strength in me not to pour the hot liquid on him,but today is the day I escape I don't want to get in trouble. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Vincent",Collin says. " What she'll stab me with a fork again,I like them with spirit makes it pleasurable as I claim them",he says and smacks me making other wolves laugh. "He is just trying to help you keep your arm",Roman says, smiling at me and taking a sip of his coffee ,how creepy. "I'm sure Syrus does mind, right. Alpha?". And Syrus doesn't say anything and just continues eating like nothing happened,and I feel a little sad but I don't know what I was hoping for,I step away and stand by the side again. After breakfast I run to the dorms and get all my valuables before Jill and I can go and clean the mistresses room,the room is luxurious and big ,it has two queen sized beds n each side with a vanities, bathroom and a walk in closet filled with beautiful clothes some with the tags still on them. "Wow",I can't help but say. "Don't touch anything",Jill warns but it is too late. I'm already touching the clothes and looking at the price tags, they sure know how to live luxuriously. Jill, myself and two other boys clean the third floor. But today I have no time to waste because head servant Carol keeps coming to check in on our work to make sure everything is to the liking of the mistresses. After we finish we head down to the kitchen and everyone is talking about the fight that just happened between Syrus and Vincent in the training area. This place has a large gym with an open combat area where wolves spar against each other. The Alpha had invited Vincent for a spar but ended up beating him to a palp,Jill said the alpha is different from the other wolves he is more powerful,so I can imagine how Vincent must look right now,but I don't feel sorry for that perverted asshole,I hope Syrus broke his arm,but i also wonder what the reason for their fight was. It's time is is almost lunch and the mistresses arrive I take advantage of the five minutes and bolt,I run and run without stopping one bit, branches and twigs hit me but I don't stop running, holding on to the the apron all the way because it contains my little fortune,but just then my foot gets stuck in a hole twisting my ankle,I hope Jill will forgive me but she said she didn't want to stay, despite the pain I continue running,I wince at the pain but continue, I'm covered in mad with a bruised ankle that is beginning to swell when I reach the road,now all I have to do is flag down a car get a phone and call the police. I manage to get to the road and flag down a car with an old lady,she offered to take me to the hospital but I don't have any money nor do I have insurance,so I just kindly ask her to drop me off at the police station, immediately one of the police officers see me they immediately come to help me,I was tired so I broke down and just cried for a few minutes,she was so kind she just let me cry,the other reason I cried was because I was not going to see Syrus again, I must be losing my mind. After I finish crying I tell her everything, what happened on the night I was taken until now ,she wrote everything down and said agents were sent over to the property to arrest,my kidnapper.I feel bad but atleast Jill and the others will get out. The police woman offered to drop me off at the hospital.I told her and the chief of police that I have no place to stay so they said I could stay with her for the night,since I haven't turned eighteen yet. "Don't worry Eden, everything will be fine",Officer Mertinez says,as she drives me to the hospital,I never really thought they'd believe me but of course I excluded the part about werewolves and all . The doctor quickly attended to me snapping my ankle in place, wrapping it and prescribing some antibiotics. That really didn't do much, even though I was using crutches ,my ankle hurt with the minimalist pressure. As I waited for Officer Mertinez to finish with the paperwork,I got up to use the bathroom. It would also help me get used to the crutches really fast,but before I could round the corner I heard her speaking on the phone. "Yes Alpha I'll deliver her to the same place and your men can pick her up from there", She was talking to Syrus,she was going to take me back she was working for them,I should have known they were being too nice ,it was just too easy and smooth and the way she reacted was like she was already expecting me,Syrus and his filthy b*tches can go to hell and I'm not paying for money I don't owe. So I take off on my crutches as fast as I can and when I'm out of the hospital,I turn and hide in an alley as I see her and other security guards rushing out of the hospital. I start going deeper into the alley, scared a homeless person might attack me but at least I had these crutches I'll just smack the living daylights out of them. I continue hiding but patrol cars keep increasing, lucky enough I find my way to a motel losing them. "Hey can I get a room",,I say to the gricy fat receptionist,this place looks like it sees murders everyday. "$30",he says, taking a bite from his pizza. "I don't have money on me right now,so can you hold this for now",I say, handing him one of Syrus' thumb rings. He looks at me and then examines the ring then gets up and walks to another room.I sit and wait there for about 20 minutes hoping the police don't come through here. The man then comes back and hands me a key card with the number 15 on it,just to be on the safe side I ask for any spare keys to room 15 ,which he hands five to me. At least it was up some stairs,the room looks okay on the surface but I know they don't clean these rooms,it has one or two roaches on the wall and floor but it's either this or sleeping under a bridge and freezing to death,I go into the bathroom for a quick shower just to wash off the sweat of the day and the bathroom looks like it has seen better days. I took some painkillers and put a chair blocking the door.I checked the bed and it didn't have bed bugs but despite the shivers running through my body about the possibility of them hiding in there somewhere,I just lay on the comforter and wrapped myself in it. I barely slept,I woke up to the voices of people arguing upstairs,some drunk men passing in the hallway but my body was really exhausted and so slowly I started falling into deep sleep. I tried to stay awake, holding my eyelids up with my fingers didn't work either and finally I gave up . I started awake and sat up ,I had that feeling the feeling you have when there is something watching you,the room was bathed in darkness,I tried to switch the lamp on but it seems there was a power cut,it must be my imagination, I'm still having nightmares about Joanne in her wolf form ,so it all must be in my head. But just as I was about to lay my head down again the door burst open and a woman's voice said to grab me,I couldn't see anything because the whole place was in darkness but I felt two pairs of hands grab ,I was kicking and screaming for them to let me go. "Somebody help me!"I screamed my head off but not a single person left their room, neither the people upstairs nor the drunk men in the next room. "That bastard owes me for this",the woman says as I'm shoved into the car. " Who are you people? where are you taking me?",I ask, trying to pull open the door. The light turns on "will you shut up",the woman next to me says and I can't believe my eyes she looks exactly like Syrus,if Syrus were a female he'd look like this gorgeous goddess next to me . "I know right,most people can't handle the uncanny resemblance",she says laughing " you really are a special one ,you managed to rail my brother up making him overturn the city just to find a little rodent like you",she says. " Excuse you ,who are you calling a rodent!" "You of course, little squirrel",she says making the people in the driver's and passenger seat laugh "little squirrel it suits you,but Syrus must have pissed the goddess off so much she gave a pure breed like him a disgusting human as a mate", " Mate ? Syrus and I are not friends in any way!", I say, making them laugh again. " I like you little squirrel",she says and the three of them begin speaking in a different language which I presume is Greek because I hear a few words about elders and a meeting. We finally arrived at the estate and my heart couldn't help but beat in excitement. The lady said he was looking all over the city for me. Was he worried? Did he miss me like I missed him?. I don't know how to explain this ,I must be under some stockholm syndrome type of sh*t. "Come along little squirrel", Syrus' sister says and opens the door for me ,I then realize she is just a head shorter than Syrus. Another woman steps out of the passenger seat and I follow behind them walking with the crutch the driver handed me . We walk through the familiar door and use the elevator,they still continue speaking Greek. We find Collin and Mark waiting for us and Mark helps me to the wheelchair and wheels me to Syrus' study. "You are in big trouble",he whispered to me. "Brother! Long time no see!",his sister yells immediately as we enter. His eyes move to me and I'm frozen in my wheelchair by the looks gives me. "Yedira",he coldly says. "Come on not even a hug, for the elder sister you've not seen in such a long time,plus I even returned your runaway slave that happens to be your mate" " I see Roman must have told you already" " Damn what the f**k did you do to have a human as a mate",she laughs pouring herself a glass of whiskey. " I don't plan on claiming her she is nothing but collateral and is here to work her father's debt",he coldly says,I regret it I didn't miss him,I must have been foolish to even think that way,but his words cut through me like a knife, I've never been so hurt even the pain I felt when Tyrone left can't compare to this ,my eyes redden and glisten with tears that threaten to fall. "You insensitive bastard, you'll make the poor girl cry",Yedira laughs,she really is amused. " What do you mean? She is your fated ,Syrus your soul is incomplete without her and a pure breed that has a fated mate can only have offspring with them",the lady that came with Yedira says as she touches my hair that has been hanging loosely since I lost my tie.

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