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Power & FirePower & Fire
에:: Webfic

Chapter 4 4: Castiel

Nero and I were in the living room talking and he was explaining me how he was back physically with Allegra's help, the Leader of the Witches Coven, when my chest started feeling weird, the air was slowly getting out of me and a piercing pain has formed, I started whimpering. "Castiel? Castiel! What's happening?" He started shaking me. "Make it stop! Stop please! Nero help!" He put his hand against my forehead and I could see the dark sparks flying from his hand. "Discedere dolore! Parere tu Deo." He kept whispering until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I smiled thankfully at him, and he smiled back and started patting my head, and his face is all I remember before falling asleep. *** I was in a deep slumber when my eyes snapped open and I ran to my bedroom door and opened it, Nero stood there with a hand on the handle; He felt it too. "It's coming from south." "We haven't received any orison in weeks and this one seems urgent, we need to go!" "Castiel, you know that Dad said to keep a low profile and avoid exposing ourselves. You know what will happen if someone finds out about us." "I know Nero but I have a really bad feeling about this." He sighed. "Fine but if Dad gets mad you are taking the blame." "Deal." A flame of pure red fire formed when we shook hands. We ran into the garage and got out our fastest car and started driving towards the orison location. I got my phone out and started texting home. "What are you doing?" "Texting Maria so she won't call the Council thinking that we went missing." I said looking at him pointedly. "It was only one time! I did warn Carl that I was going out to the Soul's garden and he called the whole Council. Mom got pissed at me for no reason!" I chuckled. "I've missed you Nero, you are the best brother in the world." "Aw getting sentimental now are Cas?" "I was trying to be nice, you buttwipe! You always ruin our moments!" He started laughing hard. "Oh my god that was so child- " And he started laughing again, not finishing his sentence. I shook my head. He wiped out the fake tear on his right eye and kept driving. A few minutes later he opens his mouth again. "I've missed you too Grinch." "You did NOT just called me Grinch!" I started hitting him. "Hey! Ow! Hey Castiel, do not hit the driver, we could get into an accident and die!" We looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. He turned off the engine and opened the car's door. I got out and stood next to him. "It's here." We turned around when we heard screams for help. "The palace!" Me and Nero started running towards the confusion until we were inside of the palace. People were coming out of every direction so it took us a few minutes until we reached the middle of a big salon where a woman in noble clothes was sitting down crying with a hurt little girl on her lap and a big man with black eyes was clutching his stomach that was dripping blood, he let out a growl and his body started shaking and he turned into a giant wolf. The Werewolves Royals. "Something's wrong." All of sudden the man started attacking random people and I saw it in his eyes...he was possessed. "Demon." Nero whispered. I took a step forwards and shouted "DAEMONIUM!" The man turned around. "Veni ut vestra Deo!" I kept ordering. His body started shaking even more and he opened his mouth, a dark cloud coming out in a human like figure. "Nero take care of him, I'll check on the victims." He nodded and started working on the portal to Hell. I ran towards the woman with the girl. "What happened?" "L-leg...Tobias...Le-leg...he...he!" I put a hand on her head to try to calm her down when I sensed something on her brain, she has a disease. I looked back at girl and noticed the enormous gash on her leg, I quickly took out my dagger and sliced my hand and poured my blood over her wound. A golden crust forms over it closing the no more dripping blood wound. I pat her head gently so she can calm down. I look back up at the woman again. "Y-You...leg...th-than" She takes a deep breath as if she was retaliating with herself and she gets a steady answer "Thank you." I smiled at her "It's my job." The girl has fallen asleep, all the confusion must have exhausted her. "Can I take her to her bed?" I asked the woman. She nods and starts showing the directions, no words spoken. I turned around and saw Nero already closing the portal and writing the letter to Dad explaining what happened. I knew he wasn't going to put the blame on me despite our deal. We kept walking through the palace and we reached the little girl's room. I quickly laid her down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, assuring her a peaceful night of sleep. When I turned to leave the woman came closer to me and gave me a hug. A motherly hug. I missed those hugs, I missed my mom. I hugged her back and got back to my brother, who just finished closing the portal. We made sure that no one saw us and got back to the car. I was in my seat and Nero was driving both of us in silence. "Are you ok?" I looked at my brother who was looking back at me with concern in his eyes. I nodded and sighed. "Come on hurry up I have school tomorrow and I'm really tired." I just need some time alone and a good night's sleep. This is my life. *** Next morning I woke up, stretched out and got up. "Nero?" Silence. I looked around the house, he's not here. I decided to take a shower and get dressed before searching for him again. I was not worried, he better than any other creature could defend himself, he's untouchable. I started undressing and looked at the mirror for a fast second then looking back to my feet and looking up again when I noticed the note on the mirror. ' I had to go Castiel, Dad called, and it's important, I'll only be able to come back in a few months, besides it took a lot of energy to be in full human form and you know... Anyways, I love you Castiel ' I blinked, and shrugged. It's not the first time that this happens, and I'm still curious at how the whole full human thingy with him works, I mean Nero explained me the basics but I feel like he's hiding something from me...I started washing my hair, a sweet aroma filling the bathroom whilst I hummed Dusk Til Dawn by SIA and Zayn, since the song got stuck in my head for passing so many times on the radio. I've been living on Earth since I was 16, I'm almost 18 and the radio is still one of my favorite devices. I picked out a dark red floral skirt and put on a cute dark red shirt, slipped on my light brown oxfords adding two flowers hairpins into my head's right side. I looked good, ever since I met him I have put more effort to look good. I checked myself in the mirror and noticed that my eyes today were more of a hazel tone. I ate my breakfast, thanking Maria of course, and rushed into the car where Carl was, again, waiting for me. "Good morning Carl!" "Good morning Ms. Jones, feeling happy today aren't we?" He mused. "Indeed Carl, and please I already told you to call me Castiel." I smiled at him, and started looking around. He smiled back at me. "Your mint sweets are in the seat compartment Miss." He said chuckling, he must have caught me looking for my minty babies. I grinned at him muttered a small thanks and he started driving. In a few minutes we were pulling over in the school's drive-way. Carl got out and opened my door, I got out as well and noticed a lot of students that were looking in my direction. I smiled at them, they either smiled back or waved. "Getting popular Castiel?" "Oh shut it Carl." I said blushing and chuckling shyly. He laughed and entered the car, yelling; "Have a good day Ms. Jones!" Way to embarrass me, thank you Carl really. I shook my head and entered the building. A lot of students watched me while I was walking through the halls trying to reach my locker. Some guys kept giving me looks and whistling while I tried to ignore them and the girls' glares. I internally sighed. A smile crept onto my face when I finally reached my locker where Isabella and the rest of the group were, he was there. "Good morning everyone" I said cheerfully. "Looks like someone is in a good mood." Ethan said without looking at me. "Yeah she probably got some last night. Tell me Castiel was Nero good in bed?" Axel said in a really harsh tone. I didn't like it. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Oh just how you and your dearest boyfriend had a great time last night." He saw me last night? I started panicking, if he saw me last night then he has a small idea of who I am. I can't let that happen. "Enough Axel, she didn't do anything." Jason interrupted. Then a blonde girl with a green skirt came into our group and took Jason's face between her hands and started grinding herself on him and purred in his ear. "I had fun yesterday baby wanna come over later?" My heart broke. Of course. How could I be so foolish. My hands started shaking. And my chest started hurting like...yesterday. The pain, they did something. I felt something wet in my upper lip, cleaning it quickly with my hand I noticed what it was; blood. Thankfully I cleaned it while was still fresh and well, red. I think I'd drawn more attention if my blood started to turn golden. Isabella must have noticed my movement "Castiel are you ok?" She asked worried. Then everyone started looking at me even the blonde girl, who Jason pushed off immediately as soon as she purred at him. "Hum yeah... just those allergies you know..." "We are in September there are no allergies in this time of the year" Elijah replied. "Is someone sad and jealous?" the blonde girl asked looking at me with distaste. "Tiffany don't talk with her like that!" Jason roared, a massive feeling of power in his voice. "And Castiel has a boyfriend." Ethan stated. "I do?" Everyone's heads snapped in my direction. Okay. "Yeah Nero, the dude from yesterday who you spent the night with." Axel said an angry tone in his voice. Then I started laughing, hard, really hard. Tears were spilling from my eyes. I sobered up and answered. "Ew no! Nero is my twin brother! I haven't see him in a while because he's always traveling and studying abroad, he surprised me. Yesterday we played uh...Monopoly, y'all think nasty" I chuckled a bit more. Their eyes were wide as saucers as they were all shocked. Tiffany, as I learned her name, rolled her eyes and put a hand on Jason's chest, who quickly snapped and pushed her away. "Tiffany yesterday was a mistake, and I was drunk. It meant absolutely nothing to me." He said looking at her but I got a feeling that he was talking with someone else, talking with me, like an explanation. He must have felt our connection too. I smiled at the thought. My smile however, didn't go unnoticed, Tiffany caught me in my happy thoughts and walked over to me. "You are loving this aren't you? Listen up bitch, yesterday me and Jason had sex. He didn't even think about you so get that pretty little ass out of here before I make you! Stay away from us or I will destroy you!" That infuriated me. She acts like a petulant child. "I'd like to see you try." I replied calmly still thinking of her as a spoiled child. That seemed to snap her patience and she lunged at me, I quickly and effortlessly grabbed her arm and twisted it, knelt her leg from behind making her fall onto her knees in the cold hard ground soundly, a thud echoing through the corridor, making some people turn their attention to us, making her turn red in embarrassment as her eyes turned glossy with tears and shame. I started feeling bad for her, maybe I shouldn't have been that aggressive and embarrass her like that. "Next time you try to hit someone for non-sense I will make sure that it's the last time you even think about doing it. Violence is not the answer for everything. Show some respect to others and maybe you will earn that respect back, there's no need to threaten people when you feel insecure, talk with someone, if you want you can even talk with me, just please think before you act." My eyes are probably either orange or golden, in the middle of my speech something triggered inside of me. Someone prayed for help and it's a supernatural creature. "Praesidium distant" I whispered closing my eyes. I let go of Tiffany and looked at the group who was either mouth opened and eyes widened or gagging in disbelief just like the rest of the school who quickly formed a crowd when they heard Tiffany coming at me. I smiled at the group, a fake smile, the time is ticking. "I must go I just remembered that I left my maths book at home!" With that I left and used my super hearing and overheard them talking. "How the hell did she do that?" William asked. "Self defense class?" I smiled, Isabella is always the positive one. "Her eyes were glowing and sparking it looked like fire, Jesus Christ that was hot!" I'm pretty sure that it was Jason who smacked Ethan for saying that. "Whatever it was I'm sure she'll explain later, now keep walking, you have classes." Thank you Jason. I left school and ran into an empty alley where I let my wings out.

© Webfic, 판권 소유