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  CORNI'S POV   When I woke up the next morning, before the crack of dawn, Daciana was fitted against my body like a glove.   Her hands were over my neck, our faces were close to each other, her body was pressed against me like a sandwich, and her leg was intertwined with mine.   I smiled at our position and what I wouldn't give to wake up like this every morning. Last night had given me such a scare that I didn't want to risk it anymore. I wanted to go at her own pace and give her time to want and desire me herself, but after what happened, I'm starting to rethink my decision.   I gently pulled her off me and got off the small makeshift bed, and she hugged the pillow as soon as I left. I walked out of the tent and mindlinked all the soldiers to get ready to move.   I took one of the buckets we had and fetched a good amount of water for Daci that she would use to take her bath. I didn't want her anywhere near that lake.   I sent my men to the lake to have their bathe, but not without holding a knife.   When the sun was high in the sky, I quickly grabbed a lot of fabric and tied it from one end of a tree to the other.   Daciana was awake by this time, and I showed her the direction to take her bath. I noticed that she was avoiding my gaze, looking down the whole time I spoke to her and stammering when she replied to me.   I went back to the tent to pick out the dress she would wear, the mask Jared had made, and a few makeup kits that he'd suggested she used to hide the traces of the mask so that it fitted her face perfectly.   When I was sure that everything was ready for her, I left and went to check on my men, making sure everyone was ready for departure.   Breakfast for that morning was fresh meat hunted by our wolves. We didn't have time to set fire and roast it, so our wolves just devoured it raw, and everyone was set to go.   I went to my tent to get Daciana, and she was ready, mask and all, but like this morning, she was avoiding my gaze.   “What are you doing?” I asked, a little pissed about it.   I did warn her yesterday that things would become awkward between us if I dressed her, but she promised it wouldn't.   “W-what do you mean?” She stammered, her fingers playing with each other and her gaze glued to the floor.   “That. The stammering, the fidgeting. You're avoiding my gaze.” I deadpanned.   “No, I'm not. I-i just don't want to look at you.” She blushed red.   “Since when do you refuse to meet my gaze? I did warn you last night, remember?” This could ruin all we've worked for.   “I know. I remembered this morning, but that isn't why I'm…nervous around you.”   I moved closer to her and held her shoulders, wishing I could look at her real majestic face.   “Then tell me? I don't understand why you're behaving this way towards me.”   “I woke up very early last night when lightning danced in the sky, and I couldn't sleep back. It was getting harder to.” She said, and I was confused about why that had to do with her behaviour this morning, “You woke up as well and told me to go back to sleep. When I told you that I couldn't, you said you had something that'd help.”   “But I don't remember that conversation,” I said confusedly, and she stared at me wide-eyed.   “Nothing about it?” She asked, and I shook my head.   “What do I do that is making you act like this?”   “You kissed me.” She blurted out, “You held me in your strong arms and kissed the living life out of me.”   I stared at her, shocked. “I- what?”   “That was my first kiss, and you forgot it. If I'd known that you didn't remember a thing, I would have behaved like nothing happened,” She said.   But that was the problem: I didn't remember the conversation, but I sure as hell never forgot the kiss.   In fact, I thought it was a dream.   She lay in my arms, pure and vulnerable, with a light nightie. Her lips looked pink and kissable.   Convinced it was a dream, I took advantage of it and tasted her lips for the first time, and they surpassed every expectation I had.   I also remembered that I went a little bit far, and for a moment there, I hoped that it was a figment of my imagination.   “Did I do anything else?”   “Why would you want to know that when you don't even remember the kiss?” She asked.   “I just want to know for my peace of mind and your dignity. I do not touch unwilling women, and it makes me no less than a rapist.” I said, giving her the most sensible explanation when the actual truth was that I feared I might have done something to her that would make her hate me.   “Well…you did touch some certain areas in my body, but you didn't go far because you fell asleep, and I wanted to smack you so hard because you made falling back to sleep much more difficult,” Daciana said with a hint of blush.   “I'm sorry. I have no idea what came over me.”   My desire to take you to my bed, that is.   I completed inwardly and continued.   “Please forgive me.”   For not being sober enough when I worshipped your beautiful lips and your sexy body.   Something I wished I had done.   Daci stared at me with a quirked eyebrow.   “Do you regret it?”   I realised this was my moment of truth; I could lie and be the perfect gentleman, or I could tell the truth and bear whatever she thought of me.   “Kissing you? No, even though I don't remember it, what I regret is not having your permission.” I whispered.   I wanted to ask her if she regretted it but thought better of it. It would be best if I didn't know her answer.   “Come on, we're about to start our journey,” I said and walked out of the tent, telling one of the men to be on standby.   He would have to fold the tent back once she left it.   Everyone mounted their horses with me at the front, leasing the rest back home. Daci and I would switch riding the horse for some minutes, and when it was noon, close to evening, we arrived at the pack. Howard was out to welcome us.   I jumped down first before helping Daciana off. My hand automatically wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to me as I led her to the presence of the Alpha, Beta, and his mate.   “Alpha.” I bowed to him.   “Welcome, General. We've heard the news of your victory, and we're glad to have you back amidst us. A feast has been prepared in your honour.” Howard said with a proud smile, and I gave him one of my faux-genuine smiles.   His eyes trailed to Daci beside me, and his eyes glinted with greed as they trailed her from head to toe.   “And who might this beautiful woman be?”   I felt a smirk about to grow on my face.   “My mate, Ciana. I stumbled upon her while we were raiding an enemy pack. She was the Alpha's Luna, but he rejected her.”   Howard stared at Daci with pity.   “Oh, poor thing. Your former mate was a douchebag. Don't worry, you're welcome to our pack.” Howard tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled away quickly.   He stares at her in shock before looking at me.   “It's alright, love, he's the Alpha, he won't hurt you.”   Ciana truly played her role perfectly and said to him with a sweet smile.   “I'm sorry, but I don't like any other man's hands except my mate's, on my body. I hope you understand.”   Howard looked embarrassed. “Of course.”   I stared at the Beta, Ciana's father, and her stepmother, and she was staring at Ciana with suspicion.   I knew that if there were anyone to have a problem with Ciana's presence in the park, it would be her stepmom. The woman had the eyes of an eagle, and that is why I hoped that Jared wouldn't fail us.   “Do I have something on my face?” Ciana stared at her stepmom with a sickening smile.   "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that you look familiar. Have we met before?” She asked with an obviously fake smile.

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