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Chapter 5 Freedom and Consequences.

The day my grounding was lifted felt like a breath of fresh air. For what seemed like an eternity now, I had been confined to the house, unable to see my friends or do anything remotely fun. But now, I was free again, and I intended to make the most of it. I bounced down the stairs light-footed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. "Mom, I'm outta here!" I called, snatching my backpack from the hook beside the door. My mom, Noelle, came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Just remember, Jessica, you still have a curfew. Be home by nine." "Got it," I said with a grin. There was no way I was going to miss it. Not today, anyway. First off, I met up with some friends at the park. It was an afternoon full of sun, and several families with lots of kids were running around playing. Parents sat chatting on benches while dogs ran around, trying to catch frisbees in midair. It was perfect. "Jess!" My friend Maya waved from our usual spot under the big oak tree. Next to her were our friends Alex and Sam. "Hey, guys!" I returned the greeting, dropping my backpack to the ground and plopping down on the grass. "Finally out of jail, huh?" Sam teased, his eye gleaming with mischief. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help laughing. "Yeah, finally. And it feels amazing." Afternoon was spent updating me on everything I missed during my grounding. Maya let me in on the latest school gossip, and Alex had some hilarious story about a prank they pulled on Mr. Thompson, our math teacher. It was so nice to be back with my friends again, laughing and joking like old times. As the sun began to set, we decided to go get ice cream from the nearby shop. Though the line was quite long, that was of no matter. It just gave us more time to talk and enjoy each other's company even more. When we got our ice cream and finally found a vacant bench, the sky was already painted with shades of pink and orange. "This is the best," I said, taking a big bite of my chocolate chip ice cream. "I've missed this so much." "We've missed you too, Jess," Maya said, smiling. "It's not the same without you." Just as I was going to reply, Sam's phone buzzed. He glanced at it and frowned. "Hey, there's a new movie out tonight. You guys want to go?" I hesitated. "I don't know. I have a curfew, remember?" "Come on, Jess," Alex pressed on. "You can sneak out later. Your mom won't even notice." I bit my lip, contemplating this. I didn't want to get into trouble again, but the idea of going out to the movies with my friends proved too great a temptation. "Okay, fine. But if I get caught, it's on you guys." We cleaned up the ice cream quick and then walked down to the movie theatre. Though the theatre was thronged, we managed to get tickets and be seated together in the theater. The movie is an epic in fantasy, full of magic and adventure, and I got completely absorbed into it. By the time the credits rolled, it would be well after nine. My stomach was having somersaults over just how late I was. "Guys, I really have to get home," I said, my voice thin with panic. "Relax, Jess," Sam said. "We'll cover for you." We left the theater and started the long walk home. The closer I got to my house, the more my heart seemed to pound. Then we finally reached the front porch. I took a deep breath: "Wish me luck." "Good luck," Maya whispered, then squeezed me quickly into a hug. I crept around the side of the house, wishing to slip in the back door. Just as I was about to turn the knob, the porch light came on, and I froze. There, standing before me on the porch, were my siblings, Hertha and Ethan, both with raised eyebrows. "What have you been up to?" Hertha asked, crossing her arms. I sighed. I was busted. "I went to the movies with my friends. Please don't tell Mom." Ethan grinned. "What's it worth to you?" I glared at him. "What do you want?" He thought for a second. "You do my chores for a week." "Fine," I muttered. "Deal." Hertha smirked. "And you let me borrow your new jacket." "Ugh, okay. Just don't tell Mom, please." They nodded in satisfaction at their deal. "We won't say a word," Ethan said. I slipped inside, tiptoeing up the stairs to my room. My heart still raced, but at least I was able to shut up my siblings with a bribe. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed, trying to piece everything together from tonight. I lay there on my back, staring at the ceiling—could not help but smile. After all, it had been worth the close call. Moments of spending time with friends, the feel of breaking the rules, were what made life so very interesting. But I knew I couldn't keep pushing my luck. My mom was bound to find out eventually, and I just about couldn't afford to get grounded again. From now on, I would have to be more careful. No more sneaking out or missing curfews. Well, at least until the next movie night. The next morning, I woke really early; sunlight through my window. I stretched and yawned, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. I was relieved that I hadn't been caught, and excited for the day ahead. I was getting ready for school when there came a knock at my door. "Come in," I called, pulling on my shoes. Hertha poked her head in. "Mom made pancakes." "Great, I'll be down in a sec," I said, yanking up my backpack. She hovered at the door, her face grim. "Jess, you have got to be more careful. We cannot always clean up after you." I nodded. I knew she was worried, but I was smart. "I know. Thanks, Hertha." She smiled and closed the door behind her. I took a deep breath, gearing myself up to face the day. It felt great to finally be free again, but it was also reminder time: with freedom comes responsibility. My mind was made up to have fun with my friends—without getting into trouble—on my way downstairs to meet my mom for breakfast. High school is hard enough; I didn't want more stress added to it. My mom smiled at me across the breakfast table. "Morning, Jess. How was your day out yesterday?" "It was great, Mom. Thanks for letting me go." She nodded, handing me a plate of pancakes. "Just remember to stick to your curfew from now on, okay?" "Okay, Mom. I promise." As I dug into my breakfast, renewed determination washed over me. I was going to find a way to enjoy all the freedom and responsibilities and stay out with my friends a little without getting into trouble again. And who knew what kind of adventures lay ahead then?

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