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Chapter 2

Lucas woke up from an amazing scent. A smile tug on his lips and he tried to move closer to the scent. Strong and warm arms tighten around Lucas making his eyes snap open. He push at Eli's chest trying to get out of his grip although  he really didn't want to, he just thought it was the right thing. "You're too weak love".Eli mumbled eyes still close. "Let go". Lucas said. "Let's sleep some more". Eli said pulling Lucas closer. Lucas sighed and close his eyes again. When they woke up Lucas put on his robe and went into the walk in closet.It was bigger than the bathroom.You could misplace it for a small apartment. It had clothes Lucas' size on one side  with shoes on the other and couches while the other sides had Eli's clothes.Lucas picked out a red basketball short and a white T-shirt and brought it back to the room. "Your underwears are in that drawer".Eli pointed to one of the drawer. "You really planned for me?". "Yep".Eli replied popping the P. Lucas roll his eyes and went into the bathroom putting on his clothes and brushing his teeth.He then sat patiently on the bed for Eli to finish.He didn't want to leave the room and then end up dead. Eli came back and took Lucas hand,surprisingly his hands were soft and Lucas enjoyed the feeling.They head down the stairs and into the large sitting room where about twenty people stood as soon as they saw Eli and Lucas. "Boss".They said in unison. Lucas look at them weirdly. "This is my fiancé Lucas Mathews the one I told you to expect soon". Lucas felt his cheeks heating up at the word fiancé.He look around the people seeing they were in groups.Maids dress in uniforms chefs in white and a gardener and some dangerous looking men. Eli took Lucas' hand and led him over the maids. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir Lucas".They all said in unison. "Uh um it's nice to meet you too".Lucas replied looking at Eli who only smile before walking over to the chefs. "Nice to meet you sir Lucas". "You guys too". "Hi sir Lucas". "Hi".Lucas replied to the gardener. Lucas took a good look at the men that stood in front of him.He glared at the last one before kneeing the guy in the private area.The guy groan holding his area and dropping to his knees.The rest look at Lucas in surprise while Eli as usual enjoyed Lucas' action. "I told you  not to put him to sleep". Everyone turn and look at the person the voice belong to.It was Joe the guy from the front of the car and the one that watched Lucas while Eli wasn't there. Joe wave his hand and everyone went their own way.Joe gave Eli a paper before he turn and smile at Lucas. "This is Joe,he's my best friend and hitman and will guard you whenever I'm not around". Eli pat Joe on the back. "Hi princess".Joe said with a wide smile Lucas roll his eyes but replied. "Hey Joe". Eli and Lucas sat at the table on the balcony on that floor eating breakfast.Lucas didn't realize Eli wasn't eating but staring at him. Taking in his appearance,dark brown curly hair laying on his forehead bright green eyes pale smooth skin pink thin lips and amazing dimpled smile.Eli only saw him smile once but loved it. When Eli saw that Lucas was done he then look at the paper.There was an unknown  mafia men  obviously not from here,he was sent to spy on them. "So as the mafia what do you do?".Lucas ask. Eli look at Lucas and smirk. "You're about to find out". Eli got up and Lucas followed.They went down a flight of stairs and stopped at a door where two men stood on each side.Eli open the door and step in with Lucas behind.Lucas looked around the place but there wasn't much to look at.Except a large glass table with six chairs .At the end of the table a man sat there,although Lucas haven't been here long he knew the guy wasn't from here.Joe stood behind the guy with the guy that was in the car the night they kidnapped Lucas,Jack was his name. Eli sat at the other end of the table bringing Lucas into his lap taking both his hands in his.Lucas was dying to know what was going on he was nervous and worried but manage to kept a straight face. "Got a little bitch there I see".The guy spoke He was immediately hit in his head with a gun by Joe.Blood soon start running down the guys temple but he just laugh.The sight of the blood didn't frighten Lucas just how the guy laugh at the hit. "Who sent you here?".Eli ask with a calm tone. "Someone".The guy answered. "Don't make this harder I'm busy". "I don't have to tell you anything just know that I was sent and I found out a lot,especially that you have a lover.Can't wait to bring that back to the family".The guy smirk looking in Lucas direction. Lucas eyes went wide.Bring it back to the family?what family? a mafia family?are they going to kill him.Lucas  receive a squeeze to his hands and he took in a deep breath trying to relax. "It's either you tell me or I put a bullet in your head your choose.I'm very impatient by the way".Eli spoke taking the gun out from his waist and putting Lucas to stand but kept one of his hands in his mostly because Lucas was afraid  to let go. "You don't scare m-". Lucas jump as the sound of the gunshot echoed through the room.The man fell eyes open and looking in Lucas' direction.He was terrified,his hand slip from Eli's and he didn't notice he moved until his back hit the wall. What the hell? "Clean that up".Eli said He went over to the shaking boy and touch his hair.Lucas close his eyes blocking out everything. What have my life turned into "Love?".Eli cooed taking Lucas hand and kissing the back. Lucas still didn't move keeping his eyes close.Eli sighed and lift him up .He thought it was the only thing to do.He brought him all the way up four flights of stairs and to their bedroom.It wasn't a struggle since Lucas didn't weigh much. As soon as Eli set Lucas on the bed he ask. "Why do you kill?". "It's my job". "To take innocent lives?".Lucas said a little louder. "I don't kill innocent people Lucas". "That man could have had a family". "He didn't". "That's not my point!!".Lucas shouted making Eli glare a bit at how he raised his voice. "Love trust me it is terrifying but I'm the mafia boss for a reason". "Go 'way".Lucas mumble turning away from Eli. "Okay,I'll give you time because I know you're new to all this but I want that attitude gone".Eli said sternly. Lucas just roll his eyes,he knew Eli couldn't see him. Lucas laid there in deep thoughts,Lucas thinks this life isn't for him.It's been a day and he's already seen too much.He don't think he can trust Eli.He can be sweet and cold hearted and he realize how dangerous it is but  for some reason he doesn't want to leave Eli. Eli went downstairs  into the sitting room. "I'll be back,going to check if the trucks arrive". 🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛 When Eli got back after checking if  his drugs were right he first went into the sitting room.He greeted everyone there.He then made his way up to his room hoping to see a smiling or calm Lucas but he saw neither.Lucas was angry. "Where have you been?".He demand crossing his arms as he stood at the door in front of Eli . Eli fight back a smile and answered . "I was busy I'm back now". "You didn't tell me you were going out something could have happened to you". When Eli didn't answer Lucas eyes soften and he sighed. "Just tell me when you're do going somewhere". Eli brought Lucas in for a hug who hug back tightly . "I will but I can handle myself love". Eli lift Lucas up and brought him over to the bed.Lucas laid his head on Eli's chest closing his eyes and enjoyed Eli caressing his hair.

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