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As Madison disappeared into the crowd, Michael's keen eyes locked onto her figure. But as he pushed through the throng of bodies, he realized he’d lost sight of her. Panic set in, his heartbeat thudding in his ears, when suddenly, he caught a glimpse of her - or was it? The figure before him didn't quite match the Madison he’d known. The eyes, the gait, the mannerisms - all slightly off. Michael’s pulse quickened as he realized he was following a different woman, a decoy perhaps? But why? Michael retraced his steps, his mind racing as he made his way back to his car. He’d been played, that much was clear. But by whom, and to what end? As he slid into the driver’s seat and gunned the engine, he knew he was now in uncharted waters. The city lights blurred in the rear-view mirror, as Michael sped towards his penthouse. He needed answers, and he needed them fast. But one thing was certain: Madison was more dangerous, more clever than he’d ever anticipated. Madison reclined in the plush leather seat of her chauffeured car, her face impassive, her eyes trained on the window. The city lights streaked by in a blur, the night alive with promise. But she wasn't alone. She'd been aware of the man following her, his eyes hungry, his presence a constant reminder of the web she’d woven. He was a loose end, a potential threat to her plans. But she wasn’t worried. She had her own games to play, and she was always three steps ahead. She tried following a different route but the man was smarter.... He blocked her pointing his gun at her as he took her out of her car The man’s gun glinted in the moonlight, its cold steel pressed against her temple. Madison was cornered, her pulse quickening as she realized her error. "Get out," the man hissed, his voice low and dangerous. Madison swallowed, her eyes flashing with defiance. "You're making a grave mistake," she warned, her voice like ice. The man snorted, his grip tightening. "Maybe. But I've got the gun." And with that, he yanked her from the car, shoving her towards an abandoned alleyway. The chill of the night air prickled Madison’s skin, but she kept her composure. Her mind raced, analyzing the situation, calculating her next move. This man, whoever he was, he didn’t know what he’d gotten himself into. The man shoved her against a wall, the gun still pointed at her head. "Who do you work for?" he demanded, his breath hot against her ear. "Who wants to know?" Madison retorted, her voice steady, her eyes fixed on his. The man snarled, his patience wearing thin."How about this?" Madison wheezed, her voice ragged as she fumbled for her purse. "I’ll give you anything you want. Money, power, whatever you need." The man sneered, his expression cold and cruel. He snatched the purse from her hand, his eyes scanning the contents. He paused for a moment, considering the offer, before his mouth curled into a smirk. "Money?" he scoffed. "I don't need your money, bitch." And with that, he backhanded her across the face, the blow staggering her against the wall. Madison’s cheek stung from the impact, her vision blurring as she struggled to stay conscious. The man leered down at her, his gun still trained on her. "See, I don't want your money," he growled. "I want to break you. To show you that you’re not so untouchable after all. You're going to scream, and beg, and by the time I'm done with you, you’ll know what real fear feels like." He pressed the gun against her cheek, his breath hot against her skin. Madison’s mind raced, desperation and defiance warring within her. She knew she was in trouble, but she refused to break, refused to give this man the satisfaction of seeing her crumble. But as his fingers dug into her skin, she couldn’t help but imagine what was to come. The pain, yes, but also the twisted pleasure of pushing her limits. She’d always enjoyed the thrill of danger, the rush of adrenaline. And as the man’s grip tightened, she felt a heat rising within her, an anticipation that bordered on erotic. The man, it seemed, had been sent by a rival company. Madison’s web of intrigue was more complex than she’d imagined, and she’d become a key piece in this dangerous game. As she struggled to stay conscious, her thoughts drifted to the company she worked for, the powerful entity that she’d so masterfully manipulated. They’d been adversaries for years, their battles often bloody and ruthless. But this move, this abduction, was something new, something more sinister. "Listen up," the man growled, his gun pressing harder against her temple. "You’re going to do exactly as I say. You’re not going to scream, you’re not going to fight, and you’re not going to say a word. Understand?" Madison nodded mutely, her eyes fixed on the gun. The man chuckled, his lips curling into a sinister smile. "Good. Because if you step out of line, even for a second, I won't hesitate to pull this trigger." "You think you’re clever, don’t you?" the man snarled, his eyes dark with fury. "Trying to outwit us at every turn. But you’re nothing but a pawn in this game. Your company has lost millions thanks to your interference, and now it’s time to pay up. You’re going to quit, effective immediately. And you’re going to sell your stock to us, at a fraction of what it’s worth. Do you understand?" Madison's eyes flashed with defiance, but she knew the game was up. The man’s patience snapped. "ENOUGH!" he roared, his hand slamming into the wall beside Madison’s head. "I’ve had enough of your defiance, enough of your schemes. You’re going to do as you’re told, or I swear to God, I’ll put a bullet in your head and be done with it!" Madison trembled, her eyes wide with fear. The man’s threats weren’t idle, she knew that. The man leaned in close, his breath hot against her cheek. "Do you know what happens to traitors?" he whispered, the steel of the gun digging into her flesh. "They die. And not just them, but everyone associated with them." Madison’s blood ran cold. She thought of her team, her loyal employees, the people who had trusted her, believed in her vision. She couldn’t let them suffer for her mistakes. "Please," she pleaded, her voice little more than a whisper. "Please don't hurt them." The man’s fist connected with Madison’s jaw in a brutal blow. She felt the world spin, her vision blurring before she slipped into darkness. As the blackness engulfed her, Madison could hear the man’s harsh laughter echoing in her ears. He’d won this round, but she vowed, in the back of her mind, that she wouldn’t go down without a fight. When she woke, she was alone in a dark room. Her hands were bound, her body bruised and aching. As Madison took in her surroundings, the full weight of her situation crashed down upon her. The room was small, with a single window that let in a sliver of moonlight. The air was cold, and she shivered as the chill seeped into her bones. Panic rose like bile in her throat, her heart hammering in her chest. She tried to scream, to call for help, but the sound died in her mouth, her voice weak and hoarse. And then, the blackness took her once more, her body crumpling to the floor.

© Webfic, 판권 소유