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CHAPTER 4 - Interrogation gone wrong

Interrogation gone wrong " Get the hell down on that seat or I'll shoot your damn skull!" John threatened him. " Who do you work for?" He asks him but he only stares at both of them, he wasn't going to budge. He had signed a pact of silence with the boss. Never to disclose or reveal anything. " Who the hell sent you to kill the CEO?" The impatient cop asked him again this time with an angrier tone. He was too lackadaisical for John's liking. " I didn't kill the CEO," Samson said, grinning. At least, the man wasn't dead. All of this questioning according to him should be taking place had the rich Brian Bradford be in the pool of his own blood which he, regretfully isn't. The boss would be so mad at him. " I am innocent as innocent can be and....." " Shut the hell up!" Shawn yelled at him, cutting him short. He was tempted to get up from his chair and give the annoying dude a good smack on the cheek, to add more to his already scarred face. " You'll only make your sentence longer." John says to him. " I'm sure this isn't the first time you've been jailed, You're going to rot in jail this time, I assure you." He added looking at the face of the man before him. " I didn't kill any man, I just wanted to threaten him for some money. Dude's effing rich and I wanted my share" Samson says as he sits on the chair fiddling with a white pill in his hands. It was just an attempted murder and not a murder and they didn't need to put him through all of this shitty treatment. He just wanted to get back to his drugs. He was taking them in his room that evening before he went out to carry out his failed mission. He craved them now more than ever and it felt like he would die soon if he didn't get them. " You wanted some money?...." Shawn asked him with furrowed brows. That was a big lie. If he only wanted that, he would have threatened Brian and not try to shoot him immediately without even asking for the same money he claimed that he wanted. " Yes..." He turns his face to him " I was damn broke and wanted to get my babies" " Babies?" Shawn asks, not sure he understood him. 'What was he talking about?' he wondered and looked at John's face instead. " Well, it was an attempted murder," John said to the accused " And, there are many evidences that point out your intention to "commit" murder " he added turning his phone to him to show him the footage of himself wandering aimlessly on the streets and when he aimed at his target before the stranger had walked in to ruin everything. " You stalked, watched him and then took a "direct step" towards killing your targeted victim." John explained to him. That wasn't the first time Brian was getting his life threatened. He knew better than to listen to Samson's lies. " You didn't want no money from him, your sender already promised you a lot of that to get your ' babies' if you kill the person he wanted dead." John says to him as a matter of fact. He might not know it but he was spilling the beans already by stating that he needed money. " What babies?" Shawn asked, feeling lost. " Oooh..." He says all of a sudden when he realizes that they were talking about drugs. " Now, to the next question" John says to him while staring at him fiercely. " Who. the. hell. sent. you. to. kill. Brian Bradford?" He asked emphatically. He made up his mind to eventually give him a smack now if he didn't cooperate. " Your sentences would be shorter if you could just speak to us." Shawn says, leaning closer to try to negotiate with their interviewee. Staring at the two detectives who were bent on fishing out the truth from him. He struggled to get his hands on some things which he had stuffed into his pocket from the pharmacy earlier today. Hell, he should have suspected that the young dude had seen him when he left the store. 'Maybe I should have just gone for his daughter instead' Samson thought. To him, it would have been the easiest and most effective way to get Brian down. Kidnapping his pretty looking damsel whom he had stalked countless times taking photos of her without her knowing. ' It was 8: 30pm already' Shawn thought as he looked down at his wrist watch. Samson wasn't cooperative at all. John stands up abruptly from his seat which made Samson stop what he was doing. " You're going to sleep inside the cell tonight and the day after and after." " If you don't tell me while I'm asking nicely now.... " he added as he walked slowly towards him. Samson watched those eyes of his, they weren't joking. He thought he saw a glint of impatience and anger in them. As he neared him, he hurriedly stuffs the pills in his hands into his mouth, chewing on them fastly. He was in a dilemma, a do or die situation. He'd rather choose to die, he could never betray the boss. " What the hell....?" Shawn says standing up too. " What are you doing?" " Hey!" John yelled as he rushed to him. " What is he doing?" Shawn asked his partner with shock in his eyes as they both watched him smack his lip while his eyes wore a look of mischief and danger at the same time. John dragged him by the collar making him stand to his feet as he searched his pockets and saw a pack of pills. They were goddamn empty. " Motherfucker just downed some fucking pills!" He yelled and turned to Shawn. " He wasn't searched?" " Gosh! " Shawn replied, hurrying to stand by John's side, he collected the pack from him staring at the contents. They were some pain medications, and he was certain that he had been abusing them. " I knew it, you were still a god damn druggie" John said, throwing him a punch, a hard one that he felt he should have given him since. He pushes him to the wall to check if he still has anything on him. Seeing that he was clear now, he asked him for like the hundredth time to tell him who sent him. Samson only chuckles at the now angry cop pinning him to the wall. His lip was bleeding already. He stares at him and opens his mouth to say something but he could not. All of a sudden, his pupils become smaller, his heartbeat now getting faint. Shawn notices his struggle and tells John to let him go. His breath suddenly went shallow as the drug overtook him, he had taken more than he could handle and John moved back in fright as the man who was looking hard and unafraid before began to grimace in pain. " Hey Samson!" John shouts his name. " Shit!" Shawn says and rushes off to the telephone outside the interrogation room. " Call the ambulance!" John heard Shawn shout as he watched Samson become unconscious. He could smell trouble brewing, who was Samson willing to protect so much that he would rather put his life at risk than answer their questions?

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