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CHAPTER 97 The Tapestry of Timeless Devotion

After merging Lily and Alexander became the single source of energy of the reborn multiverse, they understood that something changed with the multiverse fundament. These entities, having become a part of the global fabric of reality, heard the voice of destiny, urging them beyond the spacetime continuum. After this otherworldly call, they were led to a phenomenon that even their specter-like logic could not comprehend. Ahead of them lay countless thousands of miles of glinting, silvery silk, in each of which beat the heartbeats of countless lovers. These threads intertwined themselves to compose a cosmic web of unimaginable intricacy and splendor. When they were nearing this magnificent wonder, they experienced the feeling that presented itself every time they had to become people again. Lily and Alexander materialized, hand in hand before the ceiling to floor tapestry. “Alex,” Lily opened her eyes wide and breathed, “what is this place?” Before Alexander could reply, a voice th

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