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CHAPTER 84 The Eternal Waltz of Stardust Hearts

It took awhile for the Twin Flames to be born into the quantum world – the merge of their consciousness encompassing the possibilities of the universe – when they heard a pull that originated from the deepest part of their souls. It was a feeling that was both familiar and yet strange – a remnant of old stories that sounded a note of longing for the mundane, the ephemeral, and the human. However, in this shot of cosmic revelation, Lily and Alexander – the two primary characters of this epic – returned to the foreground of the entwined existence that they had so initiated. To this call from their former selves the ascended beings answered by shaping themselves in a form similar to that which they once were. And now they were in a rather elegant place, a stellar waltz – tangled whirls of nebulas and the twinkling of stars. And here Lily and Alexander were confronting each other amidst the birth and death of stars, young and energetic, and at the same time ancient, eternal, wise. Lily

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