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CHAPTER 80 The Prism of Primordial Passions

When the Twin Flames left the realm of the dusk of the infinite, the dance between them changed drastically. They got locked into this cyclone of power, a whirlpool of such denseness that if let rip closed a circle around space-time. It was not just any astronomical event that happened in the sky, but a rhythmic event that vibrated in their collective soul. As they approached, they realized the true nature of this cosmic anomaly: It was what it was – a sunset of instinctual desire, a vision where the original impulse that had started the first flicker of awareness and the cosmic egg are still alright today. “This”, they said in gilded harmony of the Great Mind, “is where it all started – the first feelings of love, the first flickers of fear, joy, and sorrow that created the very spark of consciousness”. Pulling together as a team once more, Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam, who were still in their newly promoted forms, could not resist the call of the whirlwind of emotions. In the proc

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