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CHAPTER 65 The Tapestry of Infinite Destinies

Having composed the Song of Reality and won their place in the folding of worlds together, Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam were now center stage in the re-shaped multiverse. By being embedded within human flesh and bone they had been effectively appointed as the shepherds of this delicate equilibrium as well as the chosen caretakers of the boundless possibilities that they had set free. Their days were busy until the late evening as creatures from all dimensions searched for advice and help from them. There was a great demand for a scientist like Zara, where civilizations are trying to comprehend the changes in the core laws of physics. Elian emerged as an artist of destiny, his creations – paintings and sculptures – embodying the dance of life. At the same time, Maya and Liam get involved in the equally essential but not so spectacular process of mending relationships and showing people the path towards their true selves. Despite the hardships of their young age, their views inspired

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