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CHAPTER 63 The Whisper of Infinity

The wind told them at the moment when Zara and Elian forgave themselves and kissed as Lily and Alexander, the mortal lovers, the last rites would be performed: “Letting go of our divine abilities, we are still a part of the whole.” Instead, they realized they had become attuned to the voices of the multiverse in ways they could have never imagined. All things being equal, they lived typical human existence with work, family, and friends, but within them was the beast of heightened consciousness. They could know the beat of far-off stars in their blood, the creation and destruction of galaxies in their slumbers, and the interdependence of life in the vast cosmic continuum. It is on one fine morning of the autumn when the couple was relaxing in a small garden, while their children were at play; Zara looked at Elian. “Can you hear that?” She whispered. For a moment, the sounds of their progeny’s cheerful giggles and the cacophony of the dry autumn leaves ceased to exist to Elian. And t

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