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CHAPTER FOURTY-EIGHT Catalysts of Cosmic Love

The cosmic winds surrounded Lily and Alexander as the two flew through the newly formed universe; both their bodies glowed with temporal someone energy. The truth the Curator of the Nexus had told them seemed still echoing in the deeps of them, a cosmic mission thrilling and intimidating in equal measure. Lily spoke as she looked around ‘Where do we even start here?’ Alexander looked very determined when he opened his eyes. ‘Okay, my darling, one reality at a time is how we begin, how we work. That is how we get through it. ’ It seemed as if the speakers’ thoughts had already influenced the manifestation of a disturbance in spacetime. There was a far-off galaxy and it was a dying galaxy: or at least it was a galaxy that was dying. Without any delay, they set their course to the star system in question. Once they came close, the extent of the problem that the families had to face was too glaring. It was a black hole – a monster black hole, much much greater than it should be

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