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CHAPTER FOURTY-TWO The Pharaoh's Choice

Golden light receded, and Lily squinted at the burning sun. She got to realize that she was in the middle of a dusty street surrounded by structures made of mud bricks. The atmosphere of the air was parching hot and the smells and noises were quite distinct from what one would find in the northern climate. “It’s all true, Alexander,” she whispered urgently, seizing his arm. He slowly closed his eyes before opening it again to try and assess their current location. ‘Oh I think we are in ancient Egypt, aren’t we? Going by the structures around then it would be the New Kingdom period, no? ’Before Lily could respond, there was some kind of disturbance close by. Some soldiers paraded along the road followed by a fancy litter. As it filtered through the door, Lily had a glance at the face of the young lady who was as pale as a corpse, her face expressing extreme sorrow. ‘This is Queen Ankhesenamun. ’ Alexander exclaimed, his eyes opened wide in astonishment. “The boy king’s wife? B

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