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CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE Love in the Time of War

The golden light faded and when Lily looked around she realized that they were indeed in a cold underground bunker with very little light. Rumbles of explosions are heard far off yet close enough to make the air concisely, permeate the atmosphere. She felt near him and approached Alexander who was readjusting the collar of his military uniform. ”London, 1941,” he whispered, looking around nervously. ” The height of the Blitz. ”Lily anxiously agreed, her chest was beating like a drum as she adjusted the material of her nurse costume. The Second World War. What could our mission be during such gloomy times? Before Alexander could say anything, a young lady rushed into the room, crying. “Hurry, save him, please!” “My fiancé has been shot down over the Channel They said he is missing in action, but I know he is alive” So, she believed. Lily and Alexander look at each other knowingly. Here, it seemed, was the start of their latest mission. Still, the woman revealed her name statin

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