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CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN A Victorian Valentine

The golden hues lose their intensity and the viewer is left with a typical misty Victorian London with gas lamps and carriages drawn by horses. Lily opened her eyes and, focusing on the low light and the warm thick material of the dress that she had been given. Standing by her, Alexander adjusted his shiny top hat looking directly into the camera with sparkling excited eyes. “Victorian London,” he said quietly, gently holding out his arm for her. “And if I am not mistaken, yesterday was the fourteenth of February in the year of eighteen forty-nine. ” But Valentine’s Day you ask? Perfect for the Guardians of Love. This love theme only drained the realization as they took a walk along the cobblestone street full of sights and sounds of the city. On the awning, hearts and flowers were depicted, and young ladies and gentlemen strolled hand in hand and cast meaningful looks at one another. Their calm sit was overshadowed by a commotion from outside a nearby bookshop. There was a

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