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CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE Renaissance Romance

The golden neon dimmed and Lily opened her eyes to the warm sunshine of an Alta Roma in the middle of a bustling piazza. The traders discussed the merchandise, bells rang in the distance, and the smell of bread was felt in the air. She glanced and saw Alexander standing beside her in the glimpse of the Renaissance man in his superb doublet and hose. “Florence,” Alexander repeated, with a look of amazement on his face. “And from what I could see in the structures, we could be in the late 15th century. ”Lily agreed and touched the magnificent gown she wore. It was the ‘the height of the Renaissance’. But why here? What is our mission this time? Although Alexander was in the middle of formulating a response, a ruckus in the middle of the piazza diverted their interest. The people watched intently as a lady was confronting a group of serious-looking men. ‘You cannot silence me!’ fumed the woman, her words reverberating in the square. The beautiful world of art should not be r

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