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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO Memories of past events

As their spacecraft flew across the heavens and sailed amidst the darkness, Lily and Alexander were presented with a few spare minutes to think. Their autopilot was more modern than that of the Strasser’s and they could enjoy the view at the observation deck while watching the stars above. Lily looked through the starry night at the expanse of sky and breathed in the warm air as she recalled moments from their story. “It’s odd,” she said, her voice a copy of the whisper she had just synthesized. ”Our memories have changed… We have memories from various timelines and moments in different lives… it is getting confusing by and by to do exactly with the life we living. ”Alex nodded his head and put his arm around her again which she sat quietly, nestled in his embrace. “I get it. ” There is always one truth in each memory, in each possibility of the reality. Lily looked at him and then smiled, this time the smile that graced her lips was warm and gentle. “We,” he agreed, and then h

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