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CHAPTER 100 The Eternal Heartbeat of the Multiverse

The music represented the newly joined part of Lily and Alexander’s personalities, and their story appeared to have achieved its climax. He and she had merged into one and were the living depiction of love and unity which even surpassed the realm of existence. But as they were soon to find out, the universe had one more unbelievable thrill coming their way. This cosmic journey led them to a place that was beyond the outer realm of human comprehension, where even the space-time continuum started to disintegrate. Stretching in front of them lay something that seemed impossible, an unprecedented discharge of pure power that glowed in every hue in the rainbow and some that were beyond the scope of human understanding. When they come to this mind-boggling event, they experience a strong desire to come out in their single personality again. Lily and Alexander materialized, their palms automatically linking as they stared at the riveting scene. Lily was now holding Alex’s hand and for th

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