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Chapter 15 : Give Me What I Want

Glancing down at the ensemble I threw together, I shrugged. Clashing colors. Tide-dyed flip-flops looked truly ridiculous. Did I care? Not really. "You left me on the beach," I said, crossing my arms, maintaining a steely gaze. "And?" Asmodeus said, turning to the bar, a tumbler of an amber liquid sitting on the counter. He gracefully lifted the rocks glass to his lips. I watched him take a deep gulp of the bourbon. I tried not to look at him, stay angry, but watching his golden throat bob as he swallowed was making me thirsty. "And? Someone literally stole the shoes off my feet." "I was wondering about those," he replied around the glass, the corner of his mouth ticking into a smirk. I ground my teeth together, irritated by the amusement on his face. "Something could have happened to me. Do you not care? At all?" "You bore me, pet." His lips curved downwards and he lowered his glass. "Why are you here? Couldn't be just to chastise me." "I need your help," I muttered, eyes locked onto his mouth. "Oh?" He swiped his tongue along the rim of the glass, collecting honey-colored droplets on his tongue. I gulped hard, a surge of desire rippling down my thighs. He did it again, trying to hide his urge to smile, but failing as a dimple formed on his cheek. I thought the previous night could have sated me. Especially after how sore I felt once I woke up, but right now, all of that felt like a memory. I still wanted him. At this rate, he was so ingrained in my mind, I didn't think I'd ever stop wanting him. No matter how much he infuriated me. No matter how much he played with me. I hated games, but I knew how to play his game. It gave me power like a drug. I exhaled through my nose. I took several steps toward him and he watched me, slightly intrigued. He made no motion to move even as I stood right in front of him, inhaling the mouthwatering scent rippling off of him. Fuck, why did he have to smell so good? My belly clenched, lust nipping at every nerve ending. His eyes glimmered with amusement as he brought the glass back to his lips again. He was paying more attention to his drink than me. Before I could stop myself, I snatched the glass out of his hand and tipped the contents into my mouth. His eyes locked onto mine, pupils expanding and eating up the irises. I swallowed the liquid fire, slamming the glass onto the bar beside him. I fought the nausea rolling inside me as the high percentage liquor splashed into my empty stomach. One of his long fingers stroked the soft underside of my jaw, curling to keep our eyes locked. I wanted to look at his mouth, taste his aggressive kiss. But I also wanted answers. And now, I had him exactly where I wanted him. "What was Lily talking about? Raguel's daughter?" I asked, softly breathing against his lips. His eyes narrowed and I expected him to draw away. Bare his teeth and tell me to leave it. "It happened a long time ago." This was it. My chance to see inside. Asmodeus's gaze dipped down to my mouth. For once, it felt like his guard was down. "My curse. I wanted someone who didn't want me, and I killed seven of her husbands before they could have her. If I couldn't have her, then no one could." His thumb caressed my lower lip, seeming to delight in the softness of it as they parted under his touch. "When she got married again, they turned to the archangels. Raphael answered their prayers. He expelled me. Cursed me to never seek pleasure for myself, but made me rely on feeding off another's pleasure. Kill everyone I welcome into my bed," Asmodeus explained. "How long?" "Centuries. A requirement while I'm in the mortal realm." He looked down at me, trying to analyze me as closely as I analyzed him. A question buzzed behind my lips but he already knew what it was. "Don't ask me why I don't go back to Hell. I hate Hell." "Too hot for you?" I murmured, cracking a smile. His eyes widened slightly and he chuckled, the dimpled smile I liked stretched across his lips. "Too dull. Torture a few hundred souls and you've tortured them all. Humans entertain me." "Do I entertain you?" I asked. He hummed, bringing my face closer to his. "Sometimes I think you entertain me too much." My heart hammered in my chest. My breath hitched as he encircled an arm around my waist, bringing me flush against him when he leaned against the bar counter. My body reacted to him, preening with attention as I felt him harden against my belly. Craving me with just as much intensity. He dipped his head down, coaxing shivers to erupt all over my body with the proximity of his pink mouth. "I don't understand you. I don't understand why your mouth entices me," his voice was nearly a gravelly whisper. "I shouldn't want your kiss, Adira." Tilting my head up further, I brushed our lips together. He shivered, a sigh escaping his lips as he took my invitation. I threaded my fingers behind his head, delighting in the softness of his hair, bringing him closer. He groaned against my mouth as I swiped my tongue along his lower lip, wanting to feel the scar I knew was there under his mask. I wanted to feel his sharp teeth and angry eyes. I pulled back. "Kiss me with your real mouth." His eyes darkened. "No. You don't know what you want." I frowned. "Don't tell me what I want." I fisted one of my hands in the front of his shirt. "I want to know what you really taste like." As angry as he looked, I only felt him get harder against my stomach, spurring waves of excitement to ignite in my veins. "You owe me," I muttered, my eyes flaring, jaw set in a scowl. "You left me in a vulnerable position. Anyone could have hurt me. The least you could do is let me in." His upper lip curled into a growl and he gripped my face with one hand, capturing my lips again. His kiss became rougher. Claiming my mouth violently. Hungrily. Lust blinded him. A kiss with Asmodeus would never be sweet. We would never have that. But I didn't want sweet. I wanted his violence. A moan broke free from my mouth as I helplessly brought him closer, grinding hard against the front of his pants. His body stiffened, reacting to me. Needing me. A jolt of my own pent-up violence swarmed my blood and I veered back slightly, biting down hard on his plush lower lip. The sweet metallic taste slid against my tongue. It didn't taste like blood at all. Only raw power. Hot as a scorching flame. Asmodeus recoiled from me, eyes dancing dangerously. His tongue swiped against the swollen injury, licking the blood away as it closed almost immediately. He glared down at me, but it was hard to find anger in his gaze. It was pure, carnal hunger. "I want you," I nearly snarled. "Give me what I want. Feed me." He gripped my hips with both of his hands, turning us around and dropping me on top of the bar. My legs parted as he shoved himself between them. Slowly, I watched his mask disappear. The illusion of immaculate skin vanished. He rose from the generous height of six-four to nearly eight feet tall. A sword materialized on his hip and for a moment I wondered if he always carried it and I just never saw it. Scars were etched across his bare chest, slicing across his mouth and decorating his face. His dark hair cascaded down his shoulders, glossy and straight. He usually had the illusion of a clean-shaven face, but his true form boasted a thick scattering of dark hair around his jaw. Unique metal adorned his legs. Greaves not of this realm. Boots seeming to be made of brimstone and fire. A belt around his waist was made of bones. A skull as his belt buckle. Did I care if it was human or not? No. I didn't. Lust coursed through my veins as I looked up at him, to the curved horns poking through his silky hair. Powerful wings emerged from his back. He was still beautiful, but in a way that made him very inhuman. Ethereal. He turned me on. "Kiss me," I demanded as my insides quivered for him. He gripped my chin in his massive hands and slammed our mouths together. I lost myself in his mouth, adrenaline buzzing through me. I parted my legs further, curling at the knee around his waist, not allowing any distance. He tasted completely different like this. Sheer power poured off him and I devoured it greedily. I wanted all of it. My body whined for attention, the apex of my thighs nearly weeping with how badly I wanted him to touch me. I wriggled, pressing my clothed chest against his. His hands found the tail of my hoodie and pulled it and my shirt clear over my head. His fingers cupped and claimed me with his touch. I arched into his hands when his thumbs stroked my nipples, both of them tightening for him. Every motion between us was hungry. Delirious with want. Like it had been longer than eight hours since I'd had him. But now, everything felt different. His hands were rougher, bigger. Arms veiny and sinewy with muscle. My hands flattened against his chest, tracing the deep scars with my fingers. Needing to know how he really felt. He grabbed my hands and pushed me backward onto the bar, hovering over me. The cold stone of the counter bit into my back, but I quickly forgot about it when I stared up at his face. His eyes were nearly completely black with only a thin ring of amber surrounding the pupils. He looked more like an animal than a man. Like a demon. I preferred it. Eagerness vibrated through me as I watched him undo his armor, fascinated with how complex it looked, but equally wanting it out of the way. If the rest of him was so different, I wanted to know what his cock looked like. My eyes widened when the greaves disappeared, leaving him naked. Before, he was generously sized, but now, his human form seemed to pale in comparison to how thick he was now. So hard for me, I could see the vein along the underside of his cock throb. "Do I still please you, Adira?" he asked, mouth turned in a half-smile. Even his celestial form had dimples. "Yes," I murmured breathlessly. He pulled my sweatpants off, and I was unable to hide how badly he affected me. Swollen and wet for him. He gave me a gravelly noise of approval, sliding his tongue up and down my neck. Tasting my skin. I whimpered when he nipped a sensitive place under my ear. "I should bite you harder after you abused my lip like that," he breathed into my ear. My entire body craved him, my arms trembling as I fought to hold myself up as he positioned his massive length at the notch between my thighs. A primal urge to fight him took over. A sensual dance between prey and predator. Throwing my head back, I cried out, a scream of unadulterated pleasure vibrating off the walls. I moved against him ravenously, taking it all. Wanting to take just as much as I gave. It should have hurt. But the feeling of having him bare set off waves of euphoria. Silky skin and brutal hardness invaded me. Pounding me so hard I shouldn't have been able to take it. I should have cried out for him to stop. The stretch too much. It wasn't too much. It was just enough. Destroying me with how fucking hot everything was. I didn't know if we were fighting or fucking based off how hard I gripped onto the countertop. I could feel him so deep inside of me, slamming repeatedly against a bundle of nerves. Noises of pleasure spilled past my lips as Asmodeus fed off of them. Inhaling the sexual energy off of me with every cry. I slid, falling back onto the countertop as he gripped my hips, pulling me back and forth. He just about snarled, a groan flying past his lips. Suddenly, he dragged me off the bar. Gasping, I lurched upwards, fisting my hands around his neck to not fall as he continued to fuck me standing up. He turned me into a writhing boneless mass, using me not only to feed, but also to steal his own pleasure from my body. I wanted him to. My back collided with the wall, losing myself as he continued his pace. Impossible for me to keep up. So I let him have it. I relinquished all control. All desire to tangle and fight. He dominated me and my feet never touched the ground. I anchored myself with my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, fisting and pulling his long silky hair. But he liked the pain as much as I did. He swore, pushing me harder into the wall. We propelled toward a goal. There was nothing emotional about how we fucked. Hard. Dirty. Fulfilling a need. Feeding a hunger. One of his hands slammed into the wall next to my head, bracing himself, but it went right through it. I smashed my mouth into his as we crashed onto the ground, rubble digging into my back. But I couldn't care less about the bruises. I only cared about my impending orgasm. His rigid length rubbed me from the inside out, pressing against all the right places. My body clenched around him, tearing a broken moan from his lips against my mouth. We breathed each other in, moving faster. Driving into my harder until finally, I reached the pinnacle. My eyes rolled back, crying out. His tempo stuttered as waves of pleasure cascaded over me, driving me right over the edge and dragging him there with me. His arms tensed around my head, cracking the concrete ground with his fists. The sheer strength of his body only turned me on. He was panting against my mouth, pistoning his hips and prolonging our orgasm until we melted into a heap on the ground.

© Webfic, 판권 소유