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The door to her queen-sized room swung open and no other than Mrs. Celeste Konstatinos, award-winning fashion designer and mom extraordinaire, strolled in with an excited smile eating up her timelessly beautiful face. Adonia always wondered where her mother got her own energy from because if you were to leave it to Adonia, she would rather lay in bed all day than leave her room at all. Her sad reality was that she had a lie to leave and it doesn't revolve around her bedroom. She used to wish she didn't belong to this planet and she was an alien or something. That way, she wouldn't have to leave her bed all day and she would sleep without having to do anything at all. 'Oh, you won't believe it, darling," she said as she walked up to Adonia's form, wrapped comfortably between her blanket and the bed. 'Simone Powers just tweeted about a surprise she has for her fans, and the hashtag was #HS. Something tells me this has to do with Heart Strings. Have you checked your emails?" Her mom asked before pulling down the blanket Adonia wrapped herself in and she took her to sit right beside Adonia's head. Adoniamknew there was no escaping this so the only thing to do was the answer. The truth is that she had removed her mind from getting a role on heartstrings because she was hundred percent sure she delivered a rubbish performance. Adonia only groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. She knew her mom had always been an early bird, but for god's sake, it was barely 7 in the morning. With how much crying she had been doing these days, the least Adonia could ask for was a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. She didn't know if her mental health was that invisible and they all couldn't see how much she was crumbling on the inside and outside. She groaned before she pulled herself deeper into the blankets and she snuggled herself against it. However, Mrs. Celeste wasn't one to take the hint, or maybe she was, but she just couldn't care less either way. So when she got no response from her daughter, she didn't waste another second before she yanked the blanket off her body, placing her hands at akimbo. Adonia folded her legs to her chest instantly as the cold wave hit her and she groaned, she should have known the older woman wouldn't give up. She counted one to five in her head before the scolding would start, it was a routine she was used to already and she didn't doubt that she was going to get scolded again. Unlike her mother, she didn't have enough energy to be bubbly in the morning when the only thing she wanted to do was sleep, considering she barely got any sleep during the night. 'Adonia Konstantinos, you will not ignore me. Didn't you hear a word I just said? The Simone Powers just made a tweet about a movie you auditioned in, and all you want to do is sleep?" Her tone was both amused and annoyed, and Adonia could already imagine her mom's frowning face with an inkling of a smile on the edge of her lips. She sighed in defeat and she knew she couldn't win with the way her mom was both determined and optimistic about her audition. At times, the way the older woman believed in her so much was mind boggling. With another groan, Adonia sat up and took a moment to yawn and stretch her sore muscles. She heard her mom loud and clear, but honestly, she couldn't be the least excited. Every time her mom mentioned ‘Heart Strings' or Simone Powers, all those names ever did was plunge her mind back to the nightmare of an audition that she had. Not one word could describe how unenthusiastic she was about finding out if she made the cast or not, and deep down, she feared disappointing the eager woman in front of her. After everything that had gone down in the last few months, the last thing Adonia wanted was to disappoint her again. 'Mom…" Adonia groaned when Mrs. Celeste went ahead to swing open the grand decorative curtain to her room, allowing light rays to rush in. 'Does the concept of ‘beauty sleep' mean nothing to you?" She already stood up from her sleep and her mom opening the blinds was unnecessary but this was her mom, she always went extra mile for everything. It was that annoying at times. The woman only chuckled and made her way back to Adonia's sides. She picked up her daughter's phone from the bedside table before she plopped down on the bed and handed the phone over to her with an encouraging smile. 'C'mon, go on and check. If you didn't make it, we'd just get you another audition…." Her mom trailed off, and Adonia could easily pick up the hesitance those words carried. Being her manager, Adonia knew the length her mom went in securing her that audition. It wasn't an easy job at all, given the fact that only a few people knew about the movie. If not for her family's top-ranking status and her own large social media following, she wouldn't have had a chance. Sometimes she hated that her father's name was the only thing that would give her a good chance at something she really logged, the main thing she was trying to fight but was galring her face so loud. This only made Adonia's heart sink further as she took the cell phone from her mom. Dread washed all over, and her mind slowly called to memory all the reasons she wouldn't take the role. She was a complete mess on that stage on the day of the audition, and indeed, it was a sight to see the regal Adonia Konstatinos, daughter of multi-billionaire Christopher Konstatinos and world-class designer Celeste Konstatinos, unhinged and entirely out of the perfect image her parents had desperately carved out for her. Nonetheless, Adonia willed herself to go on and tapped through her phone until she got to her mails. She refreshed the page and died in silent anticipation as the cursor slowly circled for a while. Soon, new mails popped up with a mail from HEARTSTRINGS TEAM topping the list. Her mom's head poked to stare at the screen with her as Adonia tapped the mail both quickly and dreadfully. Dear Miss Adonia Konstatinos, Congratulations on your appointment! You got the role of Claudia McPherson, the female lead of Heartstrings. We look forward to having you on set and bringing our dear Claudia to life. Below is an attachment of the necessary documents. Have a nice day. - The Heart Strings Team. An ear-piercing scream tore through the room, and it took Adonia a while to realize that it was from herself. She quickly turned to her mom, and it warmed her heart to bits to see that ever radiant grin settled proudly on her lips. Words couldn't begin to explain the joy that surged through her heart as she engulfed her mom in a shoulder-crushing hug. Mrs. Celeste embraced her tightly, and for a moment, Adonia was convinced that the last few months had never happened. That hug filled her with particular security that she couldn't explain. It reminded her of when everything was good. It reminded her of when she was still the renowned supermodel, topping charts and every fashion show she got invited to. It reminded her of when Adonia Konstatinos was a name to be reckoned with. But now, she was only but a shadow of her previous self, dying every day to fix the pieces of her heart and dignity that had been shredded to a thousand and one-pieces. However, perhaps there was still light at the end of the tunnel for her. After all, she had just scored her first acting job! A role in what might be one of the biggest movies of the year and even icons and big movie producers like Simone Powers were involved. This was more than a silver lining; it was a miracle. Just what she needed after her great fall from grace; a gift. «» That night, after a small celebration with her family and a few close friends courtesy of her mom, Adonia was out by the balcony of her room with a flute of red wine and soft classic music streaming. A genuine smile marked her face as she stared off at the full moon and the twinkling stars that decorated the sky so beautifully. The gentle breeze swayed through her raven black hair and sent a wave of goosebumps to her skin, but the cold didn't matter to her at that moment. '...then, we'll have to take a detour to the boutique to get you new clothes for the Heart Strings cast dinner. But, oh wait, we still have to fix you that interview with Grapevine Buzz, and I absolutely have no idea when to schedule that- Adonia, are you even listening to me?" Maxine Stone, her personal assistant, inquired with a frown, and Adonia couldn't help rolling her eyes. Leisurely, she walked to the lounge chair, relaxed into it with a smile, and crossed her legs elegantly. 'Relax for a bit, Maxine. You're overworking again," she said to her friend, the amusement in her striking blue eyes apparent. She and Maxine had been friends for as long as she could remember and when she went into the limelight and they were forming a small circle of management so directors would take her seriously, Maxine had lost her job and she volunteered to be her personal assistant till she got a permanent job. The thing is that Maxine never applied for another job and they were both stuck together forever maybe. The other lady's frown only intensified as she crossed her arms. Even though Maxine had a petite frame, she could intimidate a thousand men with that single look on her face. But not Adonia Konstatinos. She was sued to seeing that face too many times and they definitely had so many memories together and Adonia wouldn't even be scared one bit. She had seen her at her lowest and when she was at her peak. 'For goodness sake, Adonia. All this is important. You're going back into the social radar, and we both know that we need to work twice as better and efficiently than before," Maxine said point-blank. Adonia sipped from her wine glass and laughed lightly. 'Blah, blah, blah. I'm just asking you to relax for one night, not burn your perfectly planned schedule crisp. Come on, sit with me." Maxine sighed, and Adonia could see her consider her words before a look of resignation settled on her face. Even though it was eight at night, Maxine was still clad in her signature feminine suit that screamed the words professional and ethical. She dropped down on the lounge chair beside Adonia, and without another word, Adonia passed her the flute, and she quickly declined. They both sat in silence, with Adonia soaking in the sweet melody of the music playing in the background. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to be pleased, but the celebration her mom had quickly pulled together had reminded her of all that. In more ways than one, she was happy with the way everyone seemed proud of her achievement, especially her father. It was all just like before. Before everything went to shits for her. Before he came into her life. Momentarily, her smile faltered, and gravity crushed down on her heart. It felt heavy all over again, and that treacherous day of the audition reemerged, mocking her minor victory. Adonia almost lost her grip on her wine glass. 'What's on your mind?" Adonia turned to Maxine and quickly looked away, her heart suddenly racing, and everything seemed suffocating. Instantly, she downed the rest of the drink in her glass. 'Nothing," came her quick reply. 'You?" 'I'm thinking about you." Maxine paused and glanced at Adonia with a softer and concerned look. 'Are you sure you're ready?" Adonia frowned and forced out a small laugh. 'For what?" 'The social media sharks. With you coming back to the limelight, you're going to have to answer their questions and face their hateful judgment." Adonia suddenly felt cold and hot and suffocated at the same time. 'I…Um- I'm sure I can." 'Sure. But what about him? Can you handle him?" Her heart drummed loudly into her ears, and the one part that she had tried so desperately hard to ignore since she got news from the Heart Strings team came ringing alarmingly in her head. Him. He'd be there too. Could she handle him? Define ‘handle.' Was it running like a cry baby for months, as she did? Was it secretly stalking all his socials and sincerely wishing there was a sign of remorse from him? Was it lying alone at night and craving his touch? Was it, maybe, sleeping with tears in her eyes and trying to erase the memories of his existence in her life fruitlessly? If not, then define handle. Adonia shot up from her seat and looked around her with a puzzled look on her face. It was happening all over again. Like she did on the day of her audition, spiraling all because she had sighted his infuriatingly wicked self lounged leisurely behind the judge's seats. His presence taunted her - mocked the person she had become. Mentally, it had dragged her through the horrors of their relationship all over again. It messed her up and had messed up her pitiful audition acting too. 'Adonia…" Maxine stood up too and tried to reach out to her friend, but Adonia flinched away, a faraway look on her face. She shuffled back and headed back inside her room hastily. The reality was dawning quickly on Adonia. The truth is that her minor victory might as well be a one-way ride to hell. After all, he would be there too. He was the very reason she ran from the modeling industry, and yet, here he was, auditioning for a role in the same movie as her. Did he get the part? Adonia couldn't help wondering, and the anxiety ate her up deeply from the inside. Quincy White. That name had once filled her with so much warmth and lighted her up from the inside, but now, it was all it took to plunge her mind into dread, fear, and maybe, even revenge. Quincy had been the light of her world, her little ray of sunshine, and her personal cheerleader. She had loved everything about him and she couldn't imagine her future without him. Quincy ruined her, he took every of the love she offered and threw it right back at her. She hated him and the much effect he had on her, every of his pictures gave her nightmares and she wanted nothing other than for him to disappear off the face of the earth. The truth was that she had no idea if she is ready to face him now.
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