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Chapter 7 BLSC One - 7

Kayla Michaelson "I hate chocolate," Andrew said and I looked at him in disbelief. "What? You hate chocolate?" "Yeah.. I have an allergy to it" Yes.. We're currently skyping through our laptop, don't ask me why. He messages me a lot and he knows that I've already seen the messages that he sends and it's annoying that he keeps calling me. "Thanks for telling me because I can use that against you" I smirked and he laughed. "Gorgeous, you can't kill me that easy" He said , I'm currently laying on my bed and Andrew is currently reading something. "Well that sucks to have a chocolate allergy, anything chocolate related is always the best you know" I said. "You're a chocolate lover huh? Nutella? I bet you like that" "I love Nutella, it's my boyfriend" "Yeah yeah it's your bae" I chuckled as he replied to that because of his tone. "I need a vacation, working and school gives me headache" "I know right, I really want to go to the beach. Maldives or maybe Hawaii" Andrew said. "I love the beach but I prefer travelling from one place to another in a period of time. For me it's quite challenging but it will be fun" I said. "Yeah that can be fun.. Let's try it when we have holiday" "Huh? We?" Me and him? Me and Andrew? What?! No way dude! "Yes Kayla, me and you. What's wrong with that?" "Nothing.. but do you travel a lot?" I did not want to touch that subject. "Yes, my dad and his bestfriends love travelling so we always go anywhere together" "What's the best place that you've ever visited?" "Bora-bora, Bali and London" "London.. I've always wanted to go there" Argh.. when will I be able to go there? "It's beautiful, you've never been there?" "Nah.. maybe one day I will go there" Suddenly there's a loud voice from his side and I looked at the screen raising my eyebrows. "Sorry.. Watching the new trailer of Spiderman" "Already out? I need to watch it too" I said excitedly. "I'll share the screen with you.. wait! Let's watch it together" He said and I waited for him to share his screen with me. I looked at the screen and it's on.. We watched the Spiderman trailer together and damn! The new guy is dang hottie.. "I want to watch it so bad" "Do you like Marvel?" He asked. "Love it.. I've watched it all and have never missed one" "Same! I like Marvel better than DC" Agree 100% "I love.. Avengers, damn Chris Evans is just a hottie" I squealed "I like Iron Man.. and Hulk" "You like Hulk? The green guy?" I laughed. "Hey! Don't be like that.. he's a softie" My stomach hurts because I couldn't contain my laugh and it's hilarious. A guy like Andrew likes Hulk? Wow! "I'll call you Greenie from now on then" "Kayla don't" "Oh come on.. I never thought a guy like you like Hulk. I mean he's turning green when he's angry" "He's a cool guy" "Whatever, Greenie" I said. "Kayla.. don't call me that" He said with a serious tone. "Why Greenie boy?" "Don't make me call you Spidey" "What?! Hey you can't call me that" I hissed and he laughed. "You're so cute Kayla" Kill me now!! Why am I blushing?!? "Shut up asshole" "Ohhhh Do you like disney princess movies?" He asked. "Of course, who doesn't" "Beauty and The Beast will come out next year" He said. "You're lying" "Let me share the screen again so you can see that I'm not lying gorgeous" He shared the screen again we watched it together. "I want to watch it so bad!" I said because I've always loved stories about princesses and it's just magical. "Watch it with me" "Huh?" "Watch it with me gorgeous" "I don't want to" I said and I saw his face change into a frown "You've hurt my heart Kayla" "I was born to break peoples hearts" I smirked and he chuckled, I yawned after that and I realised that I'm really tired. "Are you tired?" He asked. "Yeah.. got all worked up today" I nodded and closed my eyes. "Go to sleep then" "Okay then let's end th-" "Don't!" I stopped and looked at the screen. "Don't turn it off, I'll end it when you're already asleep" "Andrew, that's creepy. What are you a stalker?" I asked and he chuckled. "I just like seeing your beautiful face" Shut it Andrew, don't give me that comment. My heartbeat is getting weird and I keep blushing without reasons. "Don't tell me, that you want to screenshot me when I'm sleeping and expose it to the media?" "Yeah right.. that's so not important" "It's 1 in the morning Andrew, aren't you tired?" I asked and he shook his head. "You always sleep late huh?" "Yeah.. around 1 or 2" He said. "You got insomnia?" "No.. why would you think of that?" He laughed. "I'm asking okay Greenie" "Don't call me that beautiful" Once again he said that.. shit "Don't call me that either" I said and put my laptop on the pillow facing where I sleep. I pulled my blanket until my chin. "Call you what? Beautiful? Gorgeous?" "Yeah that thing" I hissed not liking when he asked so straight foward. "I won't stop calling you that though" "Fine by me.. I'll call you Greenie too" I said wih a teasing tone . "Kayla.. Don't call me that. I regret telling you that I like Hulk" "Why is the bad boy embarrass?" I teased and he shook his head. "Don't call me Greenie Kayla or else.." "Hah.. or else that Andrew?" "You'll see.. don't mess with Andrew Samuel" He smirked evily and argh I hate it when people give me that look. "I'm going to sleep.. play me a song" "Loud song? Okay!" He played 24K Magic by Bruno Mars making me glare at him and not answering when he asked me questions. He stopped joking about and started playing.. That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber. I love that song..

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