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Chapter 10 BLSC One - 10

Kayla Michaelson "I love it!!" It's a small shop that sells teddy bears from all sizes, damn I want to take them all home. "See I told you, you'll love it" Oh my gosh.. I hugged the biggest teddy bear inside that shop. It's so soft and damn it's so huggable. "Let me take a picture of you and it" He said, taking out his phone, I hugged the bear and smiled at his phone camera. "Did it come out good?" I asked as I walked to him to look at the photos. I smiled as I scrolled through his phone. "So cute" "Do you like this place?" He asked and I nodded. "I love it" I looked around and my eyes stopped as I saw the clock. It's already 5.29. "Andrew" "Yeah?" "Let's go to the concert place" "It's still 5.30 now" He has never been to a concert before huh? "We have to queue inside" "Our tickets are VIPs Kayla, we can get in without queueing" "Next time never buy the VIPs one, buy the regular one and try queueing. It's fun you know" I said and he nodded. "I'll take that note when we watch another concert next time" Argh damn it! I regret saying that.. it's like I'm leading him. "Let's go" I said walking out of the shop. We walked to the metlife stadium together and yes the paparazzi are still following us. They're really annoying to be honest. Andrew intertwines his hand with mine and it feels so good. There's a lot of things going on in my head right now and I hate it to be honest, because it's battling between stop meeting Andrew after this or continue with the flow. I'm Carla and Kayla, 2 different people. Carla is Andrew's tutor and Kayla is a VS Angel that somehow met Andrew at the launching brand. "This is crazy, there's a lot of people" I looked to the front and yes there's a lot of people here, I turned to Andrew and he turned to me. "Are you sure you want to enter now?" He asked. "Yeah, come on" I was excited and I pulled him into the crowd. "It's so packed" Andrew said and it's a disaster. I led him to the queue and stopped there. He stood behind me and I turned to him. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine.. oh that's the VIP line" He pointed and yes it's empty but we have to pass the long queue first to get there. "Oh gosh are you Kayla?" I smiled at her. "Can I take a picture with you?" She asked. "Of course" I said and her friend took the picture of us. After that a few people started recognising us both and asked to take pictures with us. The queue became more packed and we had to stand so close to each other and the fact that Andrew put his arms around me from the back was making me nervous as hell. "Why are you so small?" He whispered into my ear. "You're the one who is too tall Andrew" I answered and he chuckled. "I like this position though" Damn cheeks.. don't you dare turn red. "Shut up Andrew" "Why? You're nervous?" I smacked his arm since I couldn't glare at him. Suddenly a security guy came to us, Andrew showed him our tickets and he let us out from the queue. Andrew held my hand as we walked following the staff to the VIP section. "Can I go to the toilet first?" I asked and he nodded, I ran to the toilet real quick and walked out but Andrew was no where to be found. I walked to find him but where was he? "Boo" I squealed. "You scared me!" I glared at him and he laughed. "Let's go beautiful" He took my hand again and we walked into the venue and damn it's so so big. I can't stop admiring the big stage and the big venue. "Hey Andrew" Oh my gosh.. All of the Gold Life's kids are here.. what the?! "Hey guys.. Guys this is Kayla, Kayla you know Axel, Morris, Aiden , Christian, Archer and Matthew" I smiled at them and shook their hands one by one except Axel's. Everyone was alone except Andrew, he came here with me. This will be so awkward. "We met at the launching party," Axel said. "I remember alright" I chuckled. We talked to each other and I never thought that they're really cool. I mean they're always cool but I never knew that they're this cool and fun. People were starting to get inside the venue, I looked around and couldn't stop admiring how big this place was, a lot of fans came here. "How did you get this ticket?" "Archer's dad owns the company which made the stage so we got a lot of tickets" He said and I nodded. "Let's hangout often" I turned to him in horror as he said that and now I don't know how to answer that. "What do you say, beautiful?" Suddenly the concert started and yes! I need to thank Justin Bieber for helping me to avoid Andrew's question. "Kayla" Suddenly Andrew leaned his face near mine and our face were like 3 cm away. I was shocked to see him suddenly lean like that. "Good Evening New York!!!!" Justin Beiber said and it made the whole stadium scream crazily. "Let's hangout often okay? I want to hear your answer" He said and my eyes stared into them beautiful brown eyes. Oh God help me please.. "If you don't answer, I'll take that as a yes beautiful" Oh shoot! What am I going to do? "Okay.. waiting time is over Kayla. I'll take that as a yes" With that he crashed his lips to mine with the background music.. What Do You Mean

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