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Be The WitnessBe The Witness
에:: Webfic


Quianna's POV "Quianna, be the witness." He said with seriousness in his voice. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You have to tell me every time you received a message, by that you would not be involved in any of it." he explained. "But why would I do that?" I confusedly asked. "Cause, I am with the police and you're just a civilian?" he answered "I can protect myself." I said to him. "Yana, I think I should go." Dylan suddenly entered the room. "What's with this atmosphere?" he asked. "I shall go also, seems like I got her statement completely." Austin said to us. "I got it, thank you very much, sir." Dylan answered and Austin left the room. "Dylan, I thought you'll be going to?" I said to him. "Right, I should go. Rest well." He said then smiled at me. Now that I am alone in the room, I can have peace and think about his offer to me. To be honest, I am tempted, I also do want to know who's sending us those messages but on the other thought, what if I put people around me in danger? What if by being the witness, my life would be in great danger? From the first day I received those messages, I blamed myself for ignoring it and it cost my father's life. I do want to prevent these crimes but how can I do it alone? Should I really ask for Austin's help? Should I say this with Dylan? *Phone notification* I immediately get my phone on the side table and look at the message, it's from unknown person. "Your father's corpse is missing." The message says. Third Person's POV In the middle of busy crowded place, there is one woman who's lurking and observing each person she bumped on the road. She's frantically holding her phone tightly and seems very anxious while typing on it. She knows she should let them know everything that happened, for then to avoid or even change the past. But at the same time, she also knows that past cannot be rigged that's why she's risking her life living the same time as hers. Yes, she's living at the same time, age and even circumstances, even though everyone knows that no one can live with your other self at the same air. Parallel world is true, same people are living with same situation, but they chose different options which let them live differently from their other selves. And now that she's living with the same Quianna in this current world, her primary foe is mainly herself. She must save herself from doom she has right now. Looking at the date and time she's living right now, she's preparing to send another message to herself with the hope that it changes someday. "Your father's corpse is missing" she sends to herself. She must unravel all secrets she cannot unfold in another world. "Quianna…" Dylan calls her. "Dylan…" "Are you alright? We must go back to our own life, she can do it herself." "No, she cannot. She hasn't meet someone yet." She answered. "Do you regret that you chose to say it to me than to her?" he asked quietly. "I did not, but I hope I agreed with him than asking for your help." She firmly answered. "I'm sorry, for not being worthy for you." He said "No, I'm sorry for involving you in this mess." She said then left him. "I should have chosen him than you." She just whispered. She keeps on wandering around the whole vicinity, until she reached the police station. would he remember me? or does he only know me being a victim of the terror attack? Still indecisive but still she entered the police station, she was welcomed by numerous detectives and constables roaming inside the place, being busy with all cases in their hands. "Would you like some help, miss?" some constable asked her upon seeing her entering inside. "I want to talk to detective Austin, is he here?" she answered. "He hasn't come back yet, he visits some victim from terror attack." He answered. "I see." "Would you like me to extend your words to him?" "No, I would meet him myself. I would go some other time." She answered then turned her back on him. Timing really is a mystery, it seems like fate but it's all your choices. Austin's POV How in the world can we both receiving those messages? I hope she will accept my offer, I think through her help we can avoid crimes and even solve them with upper hand. I arrived at the station and the usual scenario, people are all just doing how their jobs should be. "Sir, someone arrived here minutes ago, she's asking for you." The constable said. "Really? Did you get her name?" I asked. "No sir, but she said she will come back again to talk to you." "Alright, call me immediately if she came back." "But did you not saw her? She just left right after you entered." He said. "What?" then I looked back and look to the people who are coming in and out of the station. I run outside but I did not saw a woman outside. I just enter the station again being skeptical about it. "Sir!" I heard someone yelled at me. I saw Jason waving his hand at the end of the hallway. "What do you want?" I plainly said. "How's your date?" he teases. "What date?" "You went to the hospital, right?" he answered. "Yeah, how did that become a date? I went there to get her statement." I explained. "But why are you look like that?" "What?" then I touched my face. "You looked like angry? Did she not accept your confession?" with his statement, I pull out my taser and pointed out on him. "Whoa, calm down, sir." He immediately said. "Shut your mouth or else you'll be paralyzed." I said to him. "Enough with that, we have now the location who shot the victim." Aaron suddenly intervenes and snatched the taser in my hand. "Where is he?" I automatically asked. "We'll have a meeting." He answered then enter the meeting room. "Sir, the suspect was seen at the 11th road beside the imperial hospital after being caught at the camera." Lino reported. "Wait, Imperial? That's where the victim is, right?" Aaron asked. "Yes, the suspect was also seen at the floor where she's hospitalized." Lino continues and shows the pictures from the recording. "We have to move out immediately." I said to them. "Wait." Aaron said. "Where's the suspect now?" "After leaving the hospital, he rode taxi and was seen at the National Highway going to an area called Hera District." "I got it, now Dispatch 1 you'll be checking first the situation at the hospital then Dispatch 2, go directly to Hera District. Lino, keep us updated about the suspect's route." Aaron ordered. "I got it." Lino answered and we all moved out the station. "Austin, after you go to the hospital, go to Hera also." He said. "I got it. Come on, Jason." I said to him. "Sir, are you worried with her?" he asked. "What?" "The victim." "Jason, it is our job to keep everyone safe." I explained. "Yeah yeah, I got it." he said then started the car. "This is Lino, the suspect is now seen entering an inn called Calling inn." He said at the radio. "Dispatch 2, going to Calling inn." Aaron reported. "Dispatch 1, arrived at the hospital." I said to them. "Let's go." I said to Jason upon parking the car. "Let us go first to the security department." I said to him. "No sir, you should check the victim. I can check it myself." He offered but with grin on his face. "You bastard but call if immediately if you saw something." I said then he just gave me his double thumbs up. I walk towards the elevator and press the number 7th floor. Before the elevator doors completely closed, some woman put her hand at the middle to prevent it from closing. The doors opened again and she entered while constantly looking on the floor. "You must catch him, whatever it takes." She whispered. I am pretty sure that she may be talking to me but I don't know her. "Are you talking to me?" I asked her. "You must catch him." She repeats. "Who are you talking about?" I asked again, but the elevator beeps notifying that we are now at the 7th floor. "You must convince me, Quianna." She said again I immediately looked back but the elevator already closes and I was late in pressing the buttons, it goes upwards. "Jason, look at the CCTV in front and inside of elevator. I am looking for someone." I said to him at the radio. "I got it." he said. Upon ordering Jason about it, I walk towards the nurses' station and ask if they saw someone suspicious. "Hi, I am with the police, can I ask if you saw someone looking like this in this floor?" I asked then showed her my ID and the recording photo. "No, I haven't seen one." She answered. "Sir." Jason called. "What is it?" "You are alone inside and before entering the elevator, sir." He reported. ---

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