Chapter 676

Upon hearing Helen's request, the officer's fingers briefly paused over the keyboard. After receiving Michael's approval, the officer nodded, saying, "Certainly, just a moment. Let me close a few windows first." He minimized the desktop to its basic setup, leaving only essential police software that needed login credentials. Standing up, he gestured for Helen to take the seat. The clatter of keystrokes soon drowned out the ambient noise of the bustling office, drawing the attention of nearly everyone present. Despite Chandler's prior knowledge of Helen's identity as the hacker Hexa, witnessing her swift actions firsthand still took him by surprise. He had previously interviewed the executive overseeing the IT department at Newton Group. However, in comparison to Helen, it was clear they operated at different levels of skill and capability. Shortly afterward, Helen established an external network connection platform and effortlessly infiltrated the internal surveillance of Townsen

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