Chapter 675

"You must be Ronald and Chad Lindvall, right? I'm Chandler's mother. I remember holding both of you when you were little. In fact, you should address me as Madam Newton." Upon hearing this, Ronald and Chad exchanged meaningful glances. What was her motive? Was this woman attempting to ingratiate herself with them? Chad raised an eyebrow at Ronald, silently asking, "Should we play along?" Ronald closed his eyes briefly, indicating he would handle the situation. Turning to Priscilla, Ronald greeted her warmly, saying, "Indeed, Madam Newton, you have an impressive memory. Even after all these years, you remember Chad and me." "Absolutely." Priscilla nodded, a smile playing on her lips. She continued, "As you're aware, the Newtons and Lindvalls have a longstanding friendship. Let's not let a minor misunderstanding strain our relations. "After all, both of you will eventually inherit your family businesses. It's always better to have more allies than unnecessary adversaries, don't yo

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