Chapter 642

It wasn't Helen's intention at first, but she couldn't help comparing them two after hearing Chandler's words. She saw love as two people growing old together, and those who quit halfway were hypocrites. Two people should either never date or be in a committed relationship for life. People changed too quickly. She was unable to tell if her lover had changed or not based on unseen and untouchable love. Perhaps she would also end up like Samantha in the future. She and Chandler might be close one second, and Chandler might want to kill her the next second. She wondered if marriage could bring two people closer and bigger distances at the same time, should she get married to Chandler? "Why don't you speak?" Chandler sensed that Helen was absent-minded, so he stopped walking. He had a bad feeling that Ronald's incident seemed to have caused Helen to lose much confidence in her relationship. "Helen," Chandler called her and promised gently, "I won't talk big, but please give me a

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