Chapter 641

The door was so old that it made a creaking sound, causing Michelle and Helen to be vigilant. As the door slowly opened, there was nothing scary like they had imagined. What they saw was Samantha lying in a pool of blood. Helen was shocked to see Samantha, who was still lively just now, lying still on the ground at this moment. Blood flowed from between Samantha's legs all the way to her ankles. She looked as if she was dead. Helen went over and crouched beside Samantha, helping her up from the cold ground. "Samantha? Samantha? Can you hear me?" Helen's heart was in her mouth. If it weren't for her, Samantha would at most argue with Ronald in public and eventually leave dejectedly on her own. Unlike now, she was lying in a yard where very few people passed by and perhaps dying without knowing when she would be found. Fortunately, Samantha regained her consciousness the next moment, trying hard to open her mouth and plead in a low voice, "Helen, save my child, save us…" She fai

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