Chapter 589

"Chandler, call the police and contact a lawyer. Help me ask what will be the consequences faced by those who damage my reputation and purposely start a cyberbullying campaign against me!" After saying this, Helen grabbed Chandler's hand and left. When the man heard her words, he was utterly bewildered. After a moment, he immediately began to beg for mercy in a panic. "I was wrong! I shouldn't have taken money from others to frame you. I was greedy and I let it get to the best of me. Ms. Helen, please forgive me." Forgive him? Helen found it amusing. If she were the kind of girl with lots of sympathy, she would've died long ago. Did the man really think he could be forgiven after harming others for money? She had to find the person behind all of this! Helen stopped and turned back, saying coldly, "I can spare you, but you must tell me who ordered you to do this. Expose to the media how that person contacted you and I'll let you go." Since the man had already been exposed to the

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