Chapter 588

If it hadn't been for Zac's rebellion against the Newton family and establishing himself, she wouldn't have known about his identity as an illegitimate child. Chandler said it because Priscilla indeed went too far. "Don't say that. After all, she's your mother." They shouldn't judge the elders' faults. "If she treated me like her son, she wouldn't…" "It's precisely because she cares about you that she wants to control everything. Let's not talk about this anymore. "Chandler, you are the heir of the Newton family. So, you should take care of the family's business properly!" Helen interrupted him and said softly to comfort him. "I'll go with you." Chandler's attitude remained firm. She immediately replied, "It's okay to say this to scare your mom. But you must promise me that you won't really give up on the Newton family." "Okay." He nodded and held her tighter. Not long after, Taylor caught the person who claimed to be Helen's first man online. He was tall, skinny, and quite t

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