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Power & FirePower & Fire
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 7 7: Jason

"Melinda." Everyone froze. Of course. Honestly I don't know what happened to ruin our relationship, everything happened so quickly, Melinda used to be my best friend, we grew up together and did everything together and just like that she was on top of me, my vision failing and in the next morning we were both naked in her bed with a rape drug next to her nightstand. She technically raped me. It's weird and confusing, especially since she never showed any signs of liking me in that way, but then again even if she did I'd probably never noticed, she was good at keeping things to herself. I looked at Castiel who was looking at everyone with a confused frown. "If she bothers you again, tell me immediately ok?" She nodded. "I'll talk with her." And with that I excused myself and started walking towards the cheerleading table. The cheerleading table was made of, as you can guess, cheerleaders and jocks. It was close to our table since they were considered 'popular', as I was getting closer the humming and conversations that they were having stopped leaving everyone to look at me. I searched through the table until my eyes settled on the red haired girl. Kill her! Basil no. "Melinda can I have a word with you?" She threw a smug smile at Tiffany who was seated beside her receiving a dark glare from the blonde bimbo as she stood up. We walked out of the cafeteria whispers filling the room while I glanced at my Castiel who was watching everything with an unreadable expression on her face, then I looked at the Melinda who was staring at me while I glanced at my mate. While on our exit I remembered what I asked for to Dean, one of the head security of the Kingdom, I asked for every possible information on Castiel. Now that I'm thinking better about this I won't read the papers he will send me, she's my mate and I should learn on how to trust her and not invade her privacy like that, I was just extremely concerned and hot headed after she disappeared that I didn't think things through. It's not right. When we finally arrived to an empty hallway I pushed Melinda against the locker. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" She smirked. "I'm doing the right and logical thing, pushing Castiel out of the way." "Stay away from my mate, Melinda I'm warning you!" Her eyes widened. "Mate?!" She yelled shocked. "Did I stutter?" "That's not possible! She's weak, she's human! You are a King, you are pure and she is...is a weak and dirty human Jason!" I growled, my eyes burning with a silver color. How dares she? "If you talk shit about my mate, your future Queen, again I'll personally cut off your head but before I'll torture you in the worst ways possible, understood? The same happens if you dare to lay one of your dirty fingers on one of her silky strands of hair!" Her eyes started watering and she gulped, then as she remembered something she recovered and replied. "She humiliated Tiffany, she fought with Elder Prata's granddaughter, and you better than anyone else know to not mess with the Pratas, they are a prestigious family, they are direct descendants of the Moon Goddess and trust me when I say this she will be punished by the Goddess herself when She hears about what went down, right in front of you and all the werewolf community in this school! The gods can do you no harm, but I can't say the same about her. How are you gonna protect her then?" I was about to choke her to death when she escaped and ran until I couldn't see her anymore. She's one of the best fighters that we have after all, obviously she knew how to escape without getting hurt or noticed. Let me get her. Let's go back to our mate okay Basil? He agreed still on the edge, he was divided between going after that bitch or go check on his mate. Of course our mate is on top of our priorities. Reentering in the canteen the place when quiet, the only noise was my feet pounding the ground full of anger. I just need to hold my angel, I need her scent, I need my mate. When I got close to our table I noticed that she wasn't there. Where is she? My blood was boiling my eyes switching color. "Bro calm down, she went with Isabella to get more food since you dropped yours when you got up to go talk with the Oompa Loompa bitch." Axel said. "Yeah she started ranting how you'd be hungry and how you'd be upset because you wouldn't eat anything." Ethan continued. "She only knows you for a few days and she's already worried about you as you guys have known each other for years." Eli said with a smile. "The Mate Bond is something wonderful isn't it?" William sighed with a shy smile looking at Isabella's empty chair. Simp. However my heart fluttered knowing that my mate was worried about me over a simple thing as a lunch. She cares. Again, I started feeling warm and fussy on the inside, my stomach was jumping around with happiness. Mate! Isabella and Castiel were back with a box full of pizza. "I'm sorry, but there wasn't anything else to buy in the cafeteria, the steak ended 10 minutes ago." My mate pushed the box towards me. I smiled at her. "Thank you angel, it's okay really." She froze before smiling nervously and then stared somewhere else. Mate cute! "Ok guys well while we were getting Jason's food we thought that it would be cool to have a movie's night tomorrow since it's Friday." Isabella suggested excitedly. "Ok at who's house?" William asked, wrapping his arm around Isabella's waist. "I don't mind if you guys come over, Nero is out visiting our dad and he'll only be back in a few months." Castiel said. I frowned. "You don't live with your parents?" Everyone looked at her as she froze. Then she recovered and quickly said, "No, huh I live alone, Nero is barely at the house because he's always traveling and doing...stuff." Hum. "And your parents are okay with you living alone?" "Oh yeah" Then she muttered something lowly, that if I didn't have werewolf hearing I wouldn't be able to catch "it's not like they can come back from the land of the dead..." Her parents are dead? My poor angel. Everyone looked depressed so they must have heard her too. "I'm sorry for your lost Cas." Ethan said with a sad smile. Cas? They have nicknames now, interesting...I'll talk with Ethan later about this. "What lost?" She looked confused. "Your parents..." Ethan said looking confused as well. She frowned. "What about them?" "You said 'it's not like they can come back from the land of the dead'." She paled. "I said that? Oh haha The Land of the Dead is what we call our hometown, it's a family joke." She said fiddling with her blouse. "Where's your hometown?" I asked. "Far away." "Far away where?" Axel pushed. "It's complicated." She said looking panicked. "What are your parents names?" Her eyes widened. "Why?" "Just curious..." "My mom's name is Charmeine." "Oh like the angel?" Eli asked interested. "Yes, we are a really... religious family." "That's cool! How about your dad?" Axel asked. She froze again. "M-My dad's name is Luci. He's not from here so he has a weird name haha!" She was nervous. What are you hiding Castiel? "Anyway, so tomorrow at 4PM at my place?" She asked changing the subject. Everyone nodded. "Wait we don't know where you live." Ethan said. "Oh, you can just follow Carl?" She suggested it. "Carl?" Axel frowned. "Yeah Carl, my driver! He's really cool you don't have to worry about him!" She said with a caring smile. I need to meet this Carl. Why does my mate talk about this dude with so much...adoration- "It's settled then." I said. "Wait you guys don't have to ask your parents first?" This time was our turn to freeze. We all lived in the pack house while our parents lived (in my case) in the castle or on their own houses until we finish highschool. "They are all pretty chill and friends so they are ok with us having sleepovers and stuff." "That's cool!" Castiel stated with a smile nodding her head...she's so pretty. "Yeah we hope that one day we can have a big dinner with our parents including yours Castiel, it would be cool to meet them!" Elijah said. There was weird golden glint in Castiel's eyes when she replied to Eli. "Oh don't worry about meeting my parents, I assure you that you'll meet one of them at least...everyone does." She looked like she was in a trance then she snapped out of it while everyone looked at her weirdly. "I'll talk with them about that dinner, they might come over." She said with a smile. Then the bell rang and she went to her class leaving all of us with our own confused thoughts. Who are you Castiel?

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