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Power & FirePower & Fire
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 6 6: Castiel

Another demon. This time it possessed a fairy, a freaking fairy! I seriously need a meeting with the Council about this, it's the second case in one week. It may be just a coincidence so I'm waiting for another attack to be sure that this is serious. I curse Nero for not being here. I decided to get back to school to not seem too suspicious, besides, I still need an excuse for what happened in my locker. Sighing, I turned to the alley and retreated my wings and started walking towards school. It's not that far away, something like 15 minutes or less. I looked at the time, 9:21 AM. Not bad...I'll just say that the book was behind my secretary therefore I took a little longer to find it, everyone will be in their classes so they won't ask why I don't have the book with me, I'll tell them that I put it my locker as soon as I came back and they will, hopefully, believe it. However, I'm still thinking about some realistic excuses to my encounter with Tiffany. Arriving to the entrance of the educative building I felt myself going rigid. There stood Jason talking on the phone pacing around. I felt something on my stomach for just looking at him. Control yourself Castiel Morningstar! I started my way back to pass without getting noticed by him when I heard him talking on the phone. "Eu quero toda a informa??o possível sobre ela." Portuguese. He's speaking Portuguese, not the Brazilian Portuguese, the European one. I myself speak a lot of languages, Portuguese being one of them, however it wasn't only the language that captured my attention, but what he was saying as well 'I want every possible information about her' Who's she? Is he talking about me? Oh my... Breathe Castiel, Mom and Dad made sure that everything would fit together like a puzzle, no weird information or registers about me. Why am I even stressing about this? It's just a human. But that human is Jason and for some reason he makes me feel weird and good. I'm still trying to understand what kind of infatuation this is. Suddenly everything is silence, I turn around and I see Jason walking towards me. I started panicking. "Castiel!" "Huh...hi!" "I was worried you took so long!" He says concern and curiosity dancing around in his orbs. I smiled at him nervously. "Ye-yeah I couldn't find my book." And scratched the back of my head scrunching my nose at my excuse. Really Castiel? He smiled back, his perfect smile. Then frowned. "Where's the book? You are empty-handed." Shoot! Shoot! "Oh-haha...I figured since I couldn't find it that I must have left it in my locker and didn't notice it, silly me!" I was literally fidgeting in my place, nervous laugh, avoiding looking at him. After a few seconds of silence I looked up at him, who was staring at me with so concentration, almost penetrating my soul. Then he smiled. And I felt myself getting lighter with relief. "You are cute." I looked at him with eyes wide open and blushed. Blood go back to your place! Leave my cheeks alone! Then he walked me back to my class, English. I feel so nervous around him. We were getting closer to the door and then we stopped and there was this awkward silence moment where no one dared to speak or move "Bye Jason, thank you for...walking me?" That sounded like a question idiot. He just smiled and nodded, then turned around and left. I opened the door and got in the classroom. *** Two classes later and I still haven't seen anyone from the group. However, when the bell rang in my last class, I walked out of the classroom and went to the restroom wash my hands, you see I don't like to get my hands dirty with school stuff like the dark color that the pencil leaves in your skin or the magical bits of blue ink from your pen, seriously I wonder how can I always write on myself, not exactly writing because I don't do it on purpose...whatever you know what I meant. While I dried my hands a cold hand made me spun around and I came face to face with a pretty ginger haired girl with brown eyes that had a serious look on her face. "Humm...hey?" She rolled her eyes at me and started talking. "Are you Castiel?" She asked rudely while looking me up and down. "Yeah?" I replied with uncertainty. "Huh. You really are a beauty. I kinda see now why he likes you." What the f-? "Thank you, you are really pretty too!" I said with a confused smile. "Polite and sweet." She then smirked. "Oh Castiel, did you really think that you could humiliate someone like Tiffany and get away with it? I admit the blonde barbie is dumb and weak, but she's supposedly still stronger than you so, I'm here to warn you new girl." "Oh! So you are one of her friends ?" I asked slightly amused. "No sweetheart. I work for myself, Tiffany is...an acquaintance. Not that is any of your concern. I want you to stop interacting with Jason, you can still do whatever you want with the rest, just leave him, he does not belong with you girly. Human, you are too weak for someone like him." I controlled my laugh. "Huh okay? I won't do any of the things you just demanded, first off, Jason is my friend, I won't stop talking with my friend just because you said so. Seriously what is it with you girls in here? Is there anything about him that I should know that makes him so much more important than any other guy in this school? Does he have a fanbase or something?" I'm truly amused by this. "Do it your way girly, you'll regret it. Just remember that I warned you." With that she left and I started laughing, really hard. This is so cliche and stupid! I shook my head and made my way towards the cafeteria, since it's already lunch time. I walked and people started looking at me and whispering among themselves, will this ever stop? I found our table and sat down next to Axel and Elijah. "Hey guys!" "Hey Cas, can we call you Cas?" I smiled and nodded. "We want to apologize for being mean towards you, we judged the situation too quickly." Elijah said looking apologetically at me, Axel nodded agreeing with his words. "It's okay boys I don't like to hold grudges, I just wanna be friends and live my life." They both grinned and we started talking, later Isabella and William arrived and started talking with us too. After a few minutes I saw Ethan and Jason coming in our direction and sitting down; Jason started looking at me and I smiled at him, he smiled me back and the butterflies in my tummy made their presence known. Then I remembered the girl in the bathroom and chuckled. Everyone looked at me because of my sudden burst of giggles. "Okay so this girl came up to me while I washed my hands, threatening to stay away from Jason and started saying weird things about me being a weak human." Everyone frowned. "How did she look like?" Isabella asked. "She had ginger hair and brown eyes, pale with a poi-" I stopped talking when registered everyone's reaction, they all looked at Jason who muttered: "Melinda."

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