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Power & FirePower & Fire
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 2 2: Jason 2: Castiel

Jason's POV I was lazily driving my car towards school, one hand on the steering wheel and the other tapping my leg to the rhythm of the random song that was playing on the radio, not worrying about getting late the slightest bit since I'd prefer starve for 2 months than go to school. It's so boring and the humans are clingy and annoying, well at least the female population is. There is no girl that doesn't stare or drools at me. Only Isabella doesn't act like that but then again, she is mated with Will and everyone knows that is impossible to ignore or put down the mate pull, besides Will is one of my best friends from the pack house so we are close and she's like...a cousin? I'd say sister but I already have one, an irreplaceable one, to whom I own millions of apologies, and I may sound really narcissist with what I just said, but just put yourself in my shoes and interact with the people at my school, you'd agree with me, trust me. I'm aware that werewolves are naturally more attractive than regular humans but, please have some self respect for God's sake. When I arrived to the parking lot I was surprised to see it completely empty, just cars, not one single person waiting for my arrival as they usually do. Maybe the bell already rang? I took my phone out and see that there are still 5 minutes spare until the classes start. Odd. I entered the building expecting to see everybody looking at me or greet me since the last time they saw me was in the last school year. Double odd. I started walking through the halls and people finally started looking at me, but only for a few minutes, after that they kept talking and whispering about something that I'm still not aware of. And it's making me annoyed. I finally see Axel, Ethan and Elijah and start to make my way towards them. "Hey Jason man!" Elijah is the first to notice me and then we greeted each other by bumping our fists together finishing with a pat on the back, after talking for a few moments I decide to shoot the question that has been bugging ever since I entered the building. "Ok, but why the fuck is everyone whispering? The parking lot was empty." I asked with a mocking tone. Eli started snickering. "That's because everyone is busy trying to welcome the new student, apparently everyone is either nervous or jealous, that's why they are gossiping." He explained waving with his hand. "Oh yeah and I heard that the new student owns a black Bentley and has a personal driver, he opened the back seat door for the novice to come out. Quite fancy huh?" Axel interjects. "So the dude is good looking and rich so everyone is going crazy over him?" I asked baffled by the information, who could he be? They all started laughing. "Bro the new student is a girl." Eli states. "I saw her in the secretary and the girl is a total hottie with an innocent aura, dude she is literally a walking goddess. Even grumpy Jeff smiled and was nice to her, he even wished her a good day! That old frog never smiles at anyone!" After that Ethan continues rambling about how her brown hair is a turn on which made me realize that this dude may have a weird fetish for hair. It's Ethan we are talking about though, is that even really surprising? "I just don't know her name though." He finished his rant. "Castiel." We all looked at Will and Isabella that were holding hands. "If you are talking about the new student her name is Castiel." Will stated. Castiel, it leaves a sweet taste in my tongue for just trying to say her name. "She's so sweet and nice! And she's sooooo pretty!" Isabella says. William grabs her waist and spins her around. "I thought you only had eyes for me baby." I internally cringe at their lovey-dovey scene, thankfully Axel interrupts them with a fake loud cough. Isabella turns red and adds, "Oh yeah I invited her to sit with us at lunch since she's new." And then they walked off leaving us gaping after dropping that bomb. A few seconds later the bell rang and everyone starts heading to their classes, and for some unknown reason, all I could think about was, 3 hours and 30 minutes until I meet the famous Castiel. Castiel's POV: As soon as I entered the classroom, all eyes were on me. I'm not bragging about it, I'm actually feeling uncomfortable, I sat down by the left window, at least I could pretend to be looking outside and avoid the attention as the students kept entering the room. Five minutes went by and everyone was on their seats and the teacher walked in, and I could still feel people's gaze on me. The teacher looked around the class and then started to call out everyone's names to make sure that they were present. "Andrew Carson?" "Here." "Ann Marie?" "Present!" And so on. My name started with "C" which was the 3rd letter of the alphabet which also meant that my turn was getting closer. It's just saying 'present' and raising your hand Castiel, it's really not that hard. "Carlos Heiz?" "Over here." "Castiel Jones?" Castiel Jones...There's someone else named Castiel in here? Wait that's me! "Present!" I said hurriedly as I raised my hand. "Oh, you are the new student right?" The teacher asked. I nodded. "Wanna do a quick presentation?" "Huh...Can I do it another time maybe?" The teacher quickly nodded. "Sure, whenever you are comfortable." And she continued to check the presences. Eventually, she started the actual class, for history it was a really interesting class, sure it's the first day so everyone is starting with a soft mode, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 50 more minutes passed and the bell is ringing again. But, the bell isn't the only thing making itself known in the classroom, now almost empty, I looked down at my phone and frowned. ' I have something important to tell you Cas I will see you at lunch - Nero x' What the heck? Nero cannot appear in front of people, not normal people at least. It's anatomically impossible. Animals can sense him, I can see him and sense him and that's pretty much it. Maybe he... No. He wouldn't do that. Shaking my head I quickly typed back. ' How are you gonna do that? ' I started walking towards my next class when I heard another buzzing 'You'll have to see, will explain later, Love you Cas x ' I frowned again but I quickly got over it and started to actually feel excited. 'Love you too Nero x' He's probably going to appear in someone else's body. Or in a reflection. The possibilities started running in my head and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I will never actually see him anymore. Touch him I mean. I can see him, but only as a ghost, I can't touch him. It feels like I'm talking to air. I sighed and ran a hand through my chocolate brown locks. Next class: Maths. Great. I know that I'm a good student but I do not like some subjects, maths being the perfect example. I waited for the bell and then entered in the classroom, always receiving looks, winks, some whistles and some phone numbers "magically" appeared in my desk. And that's how I made it through my morning classes. And before I knew it, it was lunch time which meant one thing; I get to see Nero! I happily strolled out of the hallway and entered the canteen, I was about to turn left when Isabella grabbed my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction. "Castiel! You are here! How has been your day so far? Made new friends? Are the teachers nice? Come on let's go to our table!" "Woah! Calm down Isabella!" I said trying to get on my two feet. Keyword; trying. I tripped on a bag and almost fell, luckily I didn't. We stopped 'walking' and approached a big table located on the center of the canteen. I guess this is the popular table. Why? Well, first of all it's located in the middle of the room where people have a clear vision of what's happening. Secondly everyone was looking at us. And last the girls on the left table were giving me nasty looks. I didn't really understand why until I heard a growl coming from the end of the table. "Mine." I looked at source of the sound and saw a pair of the most beautiful blue bright eyes that were staring right through me. I started to inspect him, he had dark hair, perfect structured nose, not too plump, not too thin lips, and a natural glow all over his face, he was flawless, perfect even. My eyes widened at the creature in front of me and I quickly got aware of where I was, I looked around at everyone that has arrived to the table and, everyone was stiff and with wide eyes, I looked at Isabella and she had the exact same expression, that is until she realized the situation and started moving, she looked back at me and her face broke into a huge grin and she squealed, pulling me into a hug. "I knew that there was a reason why I liked you! I knew it! I knew it!" My face was, I'm 100% sure, red as a tomato as I looked around and saw everyone looking at us. I turned my gaze back to Isabella's friends. I smiled shyly at everyone in the table and waved awkwardly. "Hi?" Everyone smiled and greeted me back. "I'm Castiel." "Oh we know who you are don't worry babe." A brown haired, brown eyed guy replied with a smirk, but as soon as those words came out of his mouth, the blue eyed gorgeous guy seemed to growl at him making him shut up. I heard him muttering something to the blue eyed Greek god. As if sensing me thinking about him, his gaze fell back on me and he introduced himself. "I'm Jason." He offered his hand which I took happily. As soon as our skins made contact tingles seemed to run through my entire body and I could feel my stomach burning with butterflies all over it from such a pleasurable feeling, it felt like fire burning my skin, and I loved it. I gasped and looked at him, he was wearing a mesmerizing smile and his face was awfully close to mine. I blinked and turned to everyone else in the table that were either grinning like complete fools (Isabella & William) or smirking like the rest of the guys, that later, I got know that their names were Axel, Elijah and Ethan. I sat down and started eating my food, aware of the pair of blue eyes watching my every movement. I got to know a little bit about everyone but I couldn't help but feel a strange and strong connection with Jason. For some reason I find myself drawn into him. I sighed in contentment. I got so distracted with my new friends that I didn't noticed a tall dirty blonde haired boy with warm brown eyes walking into my direction. I looked up at him and throw myself in his arms, tears threatening to fall from my eyes as I hugged him tightly afraid that he will let go again. "Nero!"

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