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Power & FirePower & Fire
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 1 1: Jason 1: Castiel

Jason's POV "A long time ago, The Devil made a deal with God Peace between Heaven and Hell was accorded But God's sister should leave. Leave to the Underworld Lucifer's Kingdom. Fate decided that they would fall And they both fell They fell in love. He made her sin. Two halves Two born babies Half angels, half demons. A boy and a girl. They weren't part of the deal so, where should they be raised? The Mid Point. Earth. But they refused, they would never, Ever leave their children alone on Earth They both Fell They both Sinned A secret. They must be kept in secret. The oblivious children made them Sin. Lying is a sin, Kill a pure soul is a sin So Fate decided, It decided death The young boy must die. The young girl was sent, sent to Earth at the golden age sweet 16, poor soul, all alone. But Fate forgot something: They were half angels and half demons. They can only half die They can only half live The boy became the Light Ghost And he has a desire, He wants to see his twin sister, the Angel on Fire." "Martha stop scaring the kids." This woman is so annoying and crazy. "I'm sorry Alpha, but they must be warned about these horrid creatures!" And has been scaring the pups with this crap for decades now and absolutely nothing has happened. It's part of a fairy tale, I checked, but she only reads the creepy parts to scare the kids. "You will end this stupidity of yours right now or you will face the consequences." And it's getting on my nerves. "But it's the prophecy! We creatures of the supernatural world should not avoi-" She was interrupted by a cry. More specifically, my little sister's cry. And no one, absolutely no one messes up with my family, not anymore. "Enough!" I don't particularly enjoy yelling at people, but this witch is pissing me off. The pathetic old woman started shaking with her head down. "You are forbidden to enter the castle. I'll find someone else to take care of the children, you are dismissed." And signing to the guards to take her out of my sight, I got up and decided to get ready for school. I could be right now doing something much more productive in my room since it'll be the last day living in the castle for another year; besides, who doesn't like releasing some stress? The Alpha hormones are hard to control, so pent up sexual frustration is something that I'm used to, however every time I get a chance to release myself onto some random girl who's complying to help, I do it. Then I discard her and move on with my life. But no. The Alpha King also known as my father, decided that I should learn how to handle and socialize with humans since I'll become the King once I hit 18 so he enrolled me in highschool. This idea surged 2 years ago, so I'm well known at that hellish building by now. And I had to live in the pack house with the other wolves that also go to school instead of enjoying the comfort of my castle. When I was done eating I walked outside and entered my car. Last year of this shit. And started the engine. Castiel's POV I opened my eyes when I felt the rays of sunshine enter in my room through the soft white curtains. With a sigh I got up and went to take a shower. I shivered as soon as my warm feet touched the floor's cold tiles and started undressing, then looking at my reflex in the mirror I noticed something; today my eyes had the green flecks brighter than usual, my eyes are one of my favorite features of my face, they are doe hazel and it's never the same color, some days the golden zones are more prominent, or like today, the green flecks are shining, they only get a darker tonality when I'm either sad or angry, which rarely happens. I smiled at my appearance and entered in the shower, 10 minutes later I was fresh as cucumber, and headed downstairs where Maria was, I presume, preparing breakfast. "Good morning Maria." I pecked her cheek. "Good morning my sweet girl." She smiled and turned the oven off. "Get a seat sweetie, breakfast is ready." I nodded and smiled back, it was useless to ask her if she needed help. She would take it as an offense as if we were insinuating that she was getting too old to do simple things by herself. "Dig in Miss, your first day of school starts in 35 minutes." I quickly ate the delicious food that Maria made and 10 minutes later I was ready and waiting in the gates for Carl, the driver, to come out. I waved at Maria when I heard a honk and saw Carl adjusting the front mirror. "Have a good day sweetheart!" Maria yelled when I entered the black car, today Carl was driving my favorite car, the black Bentley. I sat down and took a mint eatable gum that I always hide in the back seats of every car and looked up to see Carl looking at me with an amused look. I just smiled sheepishly for being caught digging in one of my guilty pleasures at the back seat of the impeccable car. "Good morning for you too Ms. Jones." I muttered a small greeting and Carl chuckled, then started the engine and drove off to my new school. After 15 minutes we finally arrived and I couldn't help but feel nervous. A lot of people were already staring at the car and we barely arrived the parking lot, perhaps we should have brought a less flashy vehicle. When Carl got out of the car to open my door it felt like I was being watched by dozens of zebras. Yes, zebras. "Everything will be okay Miss. I'll be here waiting for you when your classes end. Have a good day!" And with that he drove off leaving me alone to fence by myself. I started walking towards the big building and kept feeling watched and started hearing the whispers. Oh no... My gum was no more in my mouth but in my stomach instead, thank god it was an eatable one. I arrived to a place that looked like a secretary and stared at the old man that was furiously typing on his computer, as if he felt me staring he turned his gaze to me and I smiled. "Good morning, how may I help you Miss...?" "Jones, Castiel Jones huh... I'm new so could I please have my schedule?" I asked with a shaky voice. He chuckled at my nervousness and smiled. "No need to be nervous Miss Jones, I assure you that this school is one of the best in the state. Here is your schedule and have a good first day!" He said and handed me two papers one where I could see all of my subjects, time and location of the classes and other with the number and combination of my locker. "Thank you have a good day too sir!" I replied with a smile before walking towards my locker and then to my first class, history. As soon as I opened my locker a little white feather with a piece of paper attached to it flew towards my face and touched my nose making me twist my eyes so I could look at it. I realized that I probably looked like a creep so I grabbed the feather and read the note, 'Good luck in your first day Cas x - N' I sighed and grinned knowing that he was watching me from far away. Oh Nero... I started shaking my head while putting them inside my locker again along with some books that I wouldn't be needing for the next few periods. I was about to shut my locker when someone else did it for me. I jumped in fright and looked at the girl that was in front of me with a boy that had his arm around her waist. "Sorry we didn't mean to scare you." The girl said offering a smile and I started examining them both, the girl was pretty with her dark midnight hair and brown eyes, the boy was fit, blonde hair and dark blue eyes, they both radiated a good aura so I smiled back. "My name is Isabella and this is my boyfriend William." She introduced and the boy nodded smiling too. "I'm Castiel." I replied shyly smiling softly back at them. "Oh my gosh your name is so pretty and exotic!" She squealed. My smile widened at her sweet words and excited tone. "You have a really lovely name too!" She grinned, then we started talking about everything and anything when she suggested something that definitely made me feel more comfortable in this school. "So I was thinking would you like to sit with us and our friends at lunch? You get to meet new people and all that stuff. I can tell that we both will get along just well!" My smile widened once again and I quickly replied. "Sure!" "See you then Castiel!" William said and Isabella shouted a goodbye, then the bell rang and I started to walking towards my history classroom.
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