Chapter 57

Guinevere saw the subtle change in Stella’s expression, and she gradually straightened herself up, “Ella…” Stella composed herself, hiding all traces of emotions from her face. She rested her chin on her hands and asked pensively, “Ms. Cohen, why are you sharing all these with me?” Guinevere’s chest that had tightened upon seeing the expression on Stella’s face just now relaxed. This Ella always gave a strange vibe, and she couldn’t help but associate her with Stella. Now that she observed her reaction towards her words, she looked like she genuinely did not care about what happened to Stella…was she really not Stella? Guinevere opened her mouth, “Pardon me, it must be because I think you look so much like her that I couldn’t help but share a little more…” “There’s no point sharing so much with me. I’m not her.” Stella cut her off, “Also, I’m not so close to you, Ms. Cohen. Not everyone throws themselves at every famous celebrity they come across and clamor to hear such m

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