Chapter 56

Guinevere did not take Stella’s words to heart. She smiled and said, “I know that the woman was heartbroken, but she would hurt deeper the more she remains obsessed with a man like Weston. “I was very clear that the longer things dragged out, the greater harm it would bring her. That was why I tried to settle the entire issue as quickly as possible. What I didn’t expect was for that woman to be so reluctant to let go. Afterward, I was kidnapped together with her, and the kidnappers were only willing to let one of us go. Weston decided to choose me, and that woman decided to jump down from the building as revenge on Weston… “But it was not Weston’s fault, and revenge was unsuccessful.” A glint flashed past the depths of Stella’s eyes, but she did not say anything further. Guinevere’s gaze landed on her belly. “I was about to give birth. I am of the rare Hh blood group and can only have one child in my whole life. Weston holds the child in high regard and could not afford to sp

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