Chapter 36

Raymond’s family was waiting for Frank outside. “Raymond, what does your family mean?” Frank looked at them with a sidelong glance. Raymond slightly narrowed his eyes. “Frank, you’re a smart person. You should know that it was only expedient for us to ask Dane to do that at the wedding. We’re on the same boat now, and betraying you won’t do us any good either.” Frank raised his eyebrow. “So?” “So, we should think about how to eliminate our common enemy.” “Dad is right.” Dane nodded approvingly. “Uncle Frank, if Agnes doesn’t die, you and Riss will always have to submit to her in the Jeffersons.” Dane never had the thought of making Agnes die. However, she did not know what was good for her and insulted him in public, making him look bad. Since she decided not to marry him, she was of little use to him. “Since we’re on the same page, let’s—” Before Frank could finish, his phone rang. He glanced at the called ID and panicked for a second. He hurriedly walked to the

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