Chapter 35

The man who came down from the car looked to be almost 30 years old. He had dark skin, thick eyebrows, and big eyes. There was an index-finger-long scar on his forehead, and his eyes carried sharp killing intent. Blair glanced at the familiar face and was surprised for a moment. He recognized the man. It was Hugh Payne, the chairman of Monafett’s Earl Security Group. Hugh also had another identity, which was the boss of the largest mercenary corp in Monafett. Blair met him once five years ago in Santaviz. The scar on his forehead came from that battle. Hugh got down from the car and stood straight in front of Mable. He greeted her with respect, “Boss, long time no see.” ‘Boss?’ Blair looked sharply at Hugh. ‘He calls Mable his boss?’ “What brings you here?” Mable asked Hugh. “Rahman said you’re here by yourself and asked me to assist you.” Rahman was worried about Mable. So after some thinking, he finally contacted Hugh and asked him to come over to assist her. It

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