Chapter 1634

“Arthur proposed to Tracey?!” In the afternoon, Tracey posted several photos of her and Arthur in a hot air balloon. In one of the photos, she held a bouquet with a dazzling ring on her ring finger. [Yes, I do.] That was the caption. Blair hugged Mable and nodded with a smile. “Yeah, Arthur proposed to her today. Trace called to say they’ll prepare for the wedding after they return from their trip.” “That’s great!” Mable was sincerely happy for Tracey and Arthur. She asked Blair, “Do they have any ideas for the wedding? We can help them prepare in advance.” Blair said, “We can call Trace and ask.” Mable looked at the time. It was midnight in Monafett, and she did not want to disturb them by calling at this hour. She smiled and said, “I’ll call her tomorrow.” Getting two good news in a row today made Mable feel particularly good. After dinner, she could not help but want to drink some wine to celebrate. Blair had not drunk for a long time, either. Seeing her in high spirits,

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