Chapter 1633

Kyle stared into Zoe’s eyes. He had indeed noticed it, but he was not sure yet. However, when Zoe called him by his full name, he was completely certain. Zoe had regained her memories. From the moment she woke up, her emotions had been off. Even Monica noticed something wrong with her, so how could he not have seen it? Kyle looked at Zoe, reaching out to brush the hair by her temples. “It’s been a long time since you called me that.” Zoe had not called him since waking up, but as soon as she did, she called him Kyle instead of Ky. He knew then she must have remembered everything. Although Kyle knew that this day would come sooner or later, he did not expect her to regain her memories at this moment. He was completely unprepared and caught off guard. Zoe lowered her head. “That’s what I used to call you, but you tricked me into calling you Ky.” She remembered everything as soon as she woke up. The events that happened when she had forgotten felt like a dream, too surreal to be

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