Chapter 1627

Solomon embraced Ines from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I learned to draw when I was young and almost did fine arts for college.” “Why didn’t you?” Winning first prize in a national art competition indicated a high level of drawing skill. Solomon said, “Painting is just one of my many interests. I do it to pass the time when I’m bored. I’ve never thought of becoming an artist.” Ines nodded. “I see.” Solomon suddenly perked up and opened a small cabinet beside the bookshelf, taking out a canvas and some paints. “Come on, I’ll draw a portrait.” Ines was stunned. “Of me?” “Yep. Give me a moment.” Solomon led Ines to sit on the sofa, then went out to find a servant to bring him the easel. Although he had not painted in many years, he still had all the tools he used before. Before long, the servant helped him bring in the easel and other tools. After looking at the layout of the bedroom, Solomon asked Ines to sit in the soft chair by the window, where the lighting w

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