Chapter 1626

Ines blinked. “I was just thinking about what to bring to your house tomorrow. I can’t go empty-handed...” Solomon laughed at her words. “You don’t need to bring anything. Just seeing you will make them happy.” “That won’t do. I still need to buy something.” Although she knew that Solomon’s parents did not lack anything, she could not just go without a gift. It was still necessary to have proper etiquette. Ines was a little nervous at the thought of visiting his parents tomorrow. “Can you tell me what your parents are like?” Solomon noticed her nervousness and squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry. My mom and dad are very nice. They won’t make things difficult for you.” Ines looked at him and nodded. With him by her side, she was not that worried. She heard Solomon say that his father liked tea, so she bought a gift box from the supermarket. In addition, she also brought some nutritional supplements to bring along when they go to Solomon’s house tomorrow. After buying everything, th

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